Namaste and Welcome

I see you have chosen well, but be warned that my blog is exactly as it states... ramblings. You won't find this blog overly political, religious or much anything else. I write for me. Well, I write for you, the audience as well, but mainly for me. Would it surprise you to know that I've been keeping a hard diary since 1986? (yeah, I just dated myself.) Well, writing in the book has become painful, so I blog. I have many blogs on other sites, which is why this blog only has a mere few, but do know that I plan on maintaining this blog a bit more. I will probably not post a picture or use real names of any of my friends or family, if the blogs turn to that nature. There, you are forewarned.

Please do subscribe and enjoy the mindless babblings of the one otherwise known as Onyx of Darklite.......

Oh, and hey, would you mind feeding my fish at the bottom of the screen? Thanks!

Friday, April 29, 2011

That's Not Where the Tennis Ball Goes

A lot has happened the last few days.  Oh where do I start.  I guess I will start with the hole I dug myself with my bank.  I got a letter stating that they had reversed the provisional credit.  Which to me meant that they had already done it.  Yeah, I won't make that mistake again.  Suffice it to say that my account is now almost $300 in the hole and I've got rent due and all of that nonsense.  I'll be able to get back on track around the end of May.  Don't know exactly how that happened, but oh well.  Lesson learned.

I also did a number on my ankle on Wednesday.  As I was getting out of my car and walking with books in hand to the library on my second step, I went head first into the parking lot rolling my ankle in a HUGE pot hole that I didn't see next to my rear tire.  I spent yesterday at home nursing it, missing a day of work.  Hopefully they will use some of my paid time off to cover for those missed hours.  I can't afford to be out any hours right now due to my bank account being so empty.

I had considered the thought of getting a payday loan to cover the missing balance, but that would be a major headache that I really don't need right now.  I'll just suck it up and go from there.  I probably would have been ok if I hadn't gone ahead and made that daycare payment so freaking early, but it was either then or never and they require the payment up front for the first month's care.

I'm sure I mentioned that Raven's daycare is closing today.  That really sucked, to be sure, but it is what it is, and that's all I can say about that.  It was a really great daycare, too.  I wonder if I could get the daycare to reverse the amount of the care for the month and then get it to them when I have it.  That wouldn't matter, though because I would still be out that much money anyway.  Oh man, whatever am I going to do!  Suck it up like a big girl and keep in mind that money doesn't grow on trees.. LOL I just tell myself that it could have been a lot worse.

So, I sprained my ankle on Wednesday, and I ended up hobbling to the library.  It took a good ten minutes for me to realize what happened while I was in the parking lot.  I tried calling for help, and Raven in turn was yelling, "Someone help my mom!"  It was quite adorable, really when I think back to it, but I didn't get any help.  I was dirty and banged up pretty badly.  I'm sure I looked like a fright when I finally did make it to the counter.  I asked the librarian who I could sue for the pothole in the parking lot.  I didn't really mean to sue anyone, but I wanted them to know that I had been injured in their parking lot.

I went to the bathroom and cleaned up.  If I didn't absolutely need to get the names for SA, I would have left. I was three names behind, and I wasn't leaving without them and a few new books for Raven.  I think that the adrenaline was getting the better part of my judgement.  I was only there less than five minutes, though, which was good.  The lady that was sitting next to me at the computer tables had gotten up and was talking to the head librarian.  She came over to me and asked if she could pull my car up for me so I didn't have to hobble all the way out to it.  I handed her the keys, logged off the computer, checked out Raven's books and waited for my car.  I thought that was really nice.

I don't have medical insurance, so I didn't go see a doctor.  A friend of mine brought me some crutches last night.  I had taken a scalding hot bath to try to ease the pain which helped while I was in the water, but ended up not lasting long afterward.  I took some Tylenol Arthritis (650mg) each, and that helped a bit, too.  I took some this morning, but forgot to bring the rest with me.  I am thankful to have a desk job right now.  I'm actually not using the crutches because they slow me down.  Yeah, I know I should stay off my ankle, but I do have a nice ankle brace on it, and I managed to get my shoe on this morning even though my ankle is still the size of a tennis ball.

So, I am hoping that I have enough cash to get gas for the next week.  I don't get paid until a week from today.  Needless to say I won't be going anywhere on my days off.  I have about $11 to get me gas until then.  Can I do it?  I think I can.

Stupid gas prices.....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Death by Steak Knife/Drowning by Water

Sadly, I have to report another "death" in the family.  Death by steak knife probably isn't the best way anything can go, but that is what happened.  On Saturday evening I decided, against my better intuition (ugh!), that I was going to try to install the software for the printer that my friend gave me.  It got through about three or four of the installation items, then stalled.  I tried to get the disk out.  I called a friend who knows a lot about mac minis.  We couldn't together get the disk out.  I finally decided that I would need to take drastic measures to get the darn thing out and grabbed a steak knife from my kitchen and after an hour of prodding, trying begging and frustrating, I finally got the disk out.  It was scratched up beyond recognition and will probably not be readable in any future disk drive.  I tried to turn the mini back on, and the light went on, then immediately went out for the last time.  Goodbye, dear mini, you served your purpose well.  I will miss you.

On the bright side, the computer that needed the new power supply is in the hands of a friend who is a computer programmer.  Don't know why I didn't think to ask him in the first place, but he has it, and he said he could fix it good as new, OS and all.  Sweet.  He said he might be able to get it back to me today.  I really hope so because the names for LWT are starting to pile up because I can't get to that site at work.  It's been blocked for some reason.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he will get the computer back if not today, by the end of the week.  I hope he didn't have any issues.

Yesterday I did nothing.  I didn't even get out of my jammies.  I didn't go out to my garden to do any weeding.  I couldn't bear to look at all the marigold that are now dead due to the morning frost we had a few days ago.  I couldn't bear to look at the corn stalk that withered to a nice lush brown due to that same frost.  I couldn't look at the swimming pool that formed even though I leveled the garden out AND put up a wall to prevent the drain off water from flowing into the garden.  All of the flowers that were on that side of the garden ended up completely underwater except for the watermelon, and that only because it is in a high hill.  Oh well, I can always replant the marigolds in May when I should have, and I can replant the corn.

On the bright side, the bearded iris is doing really good.  I mean REALLY good.  It hasn't sprouted any flowers yet, which is nice because they probably would have  withered and died, too.  The lettuce and broccoli are doing good so far as well.  The morning glories that I planted haven't sprouted yet.  The package said about 7 days.  I think it's been two weeks.  Oh well, they probably drowned.  Gah!

It's another day at work today, in case you were going to try to put a huge hold in my dead computer theory.  Tuesdays are just about the worst work day that there could be.  Except for Saturdays.    I won't even get into it.

I hope that you are all having a great day.  Spread some of the love, would you?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Garden, Daycare and Soldier Mail

It's been a while since I wrote last.  It's been a busy several days.

I have been busy handmaking cards for a Soldiers' Angels card signing this Sunday.  It probably won't be a very big event, I am having a small info booth at a business yard sale, but I do hope to get the word out about SA nonetheless.  People will be able to get information about SA as well as write words of gratitude or thanks on a card for one of our heroes.  I have made over 100 cards, which may not seem like a whole lot, but that will be over 100 heroes who will get extra encouraging words from home.  And who knows perhaps we will get a few more volunteers to adopt a hero.

I've gotten a few letters and an email from some heroes.  It always makes me smile whenever I do hear back from someone I've written.  Speaking of which, I am a little behind on sending out my letters.  I reduced my name intake to 6 names per week instead of 14.  It was just getting unmanageable.  On the bright side, a friend of mine gave me a printer.  An older printer, but one that will work with my mac mini, so I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth.  The only thing I need is to get the cable from her that connects the printer to the computer, and I'll be all set.  She even hooked me up with four extra cartridges of ink.  I'm doing the happy dance.  With that, I will probably be able to increase my names every week.

Concerning my garden; I guess I don't have as green of a thumb as I thought.  For the most part, the plants are doing good, but the heat hardy marigolds haven't liked this cold spell one bit and they are mostly dead.  I was warned about that, so I have no one to blame except myself.  It has been raining a lot, so they probably drowned.  They are only supposed to be watered a few times a week.

The swimming pool did end up coming back even though I leveled it out.  I decided that I needed to take more drastic measures, so I went to home Depot and bought a few of those clamshell border rocks.  So far, they have been working great.  I wish I had thought of that sooner.  And, even though they only border most of one side, they still look good.

Raven's daycare is closing at the end of April.  This is both bad and good.  Bad because, well I hate to see any business close down...bad because they were a great daycare/preschool and Raven learned a LOT of things there and made a few good friends.  Good because I will be enrolling her in the daycare program that is on the school premises where she will be attending kindergarten this year.  I am hoping that she will be getting to know some of the kids in her class before she gets there.  There's nothing like being the new girl and not knowing anyone.  Raven isn't that shy, but I also don't want to put her in that position if I don't have to.  The bad thing is that she will only be going to that site until the end of the current school season.  They don't have a summer session there anymore, so I will have to transfer her to a different site that does.  My friends who pick her up for me on Thursdays and Fridays are going to kill  When the school season starts, Raven will go back to her school and have care before and after school on the days I work.  When I don't work, I will get a few hours in the afternoon all to myself.  Whatever will I do with myself!!

I think that is all the updates I actually have.  Sad, isn't it?  Thanks for sticking with me.  I really need to do something more exciting with my life.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

An Adventure to the Other Side of the Fence

The last two days off were really great.  Spent time in the garden.  (See previous post).

The other thing we did was to send out all the packages we had ready for our heroes.  All in all, 1 APO box, 2 flat rate bubble envelopes, and three smaller envelope sized packages.  Hey, I do what I can.  Anyway, I decided that I was not going to take the chance on getting the snatch at the regular post office, so Raven and I drove a shorter distance and went to a very large post office in the other direction.

The line was to the door.  I stepped inside to start filling out the numerous customs forms, which always takes at least 20 mins alone.  I have some on order, but they haven't shown up yet.  When I was finished, two elderly people allowed me to go ahead of them.  I thanked them very kindly.  (The first awesome thing about this post office.)

When I finally got to the counter, the clerk greeted me with a smile (the second awesome thing about this post office).  He took my packages and even told me how much I saved with the APO flat rate box.  $12.95 vs 31.+.  Thank goodness for flat rate boxes!

I had two regular sized envelopes, not the short ones, but the long ones, that were full of coupons for one of the teams I am on.  I was certain that he was going to charge me extra because they weren't very uniform, and I thought they might be a little heavy.  The first thing he did was to take out this really cool gadget that has the max width of a letter cut into it.  He slid the letters (both) through the hole, and charged me a whole $0.44 for each envelope with the coupons. (the third awesome thing about this post office.) Wait, what?  That's right.  I got charged the regular price for each of the coupon envelopes.  If I had gone to the other post office, the woman would have made me put two ten cent stamps on each envelope.  The other post office doesn't even HAVE one of those nifty thingamajigs with the hole cut into it to check the width.  I told Ed, that was the clerk, that the other post office needed one ASAP.  It's possible that they just don't use it, but I think they don't have one and if they do, they don't care to use it.

Oh, I totally forgot the best part.  While I was at the counter, and we were in the middle of doing my packages, an older woman stepped up next to me to ask the clerk a simple question.  What makes this the best part?

He answered it.

I really give credit to the Post Office on Ustick and Cole.  They are friendly, courteous, speedy and they keep their calm under pressure.  The line stayed steady to the door, but it wasn't the same people in line for more than ten minutes.

I think I found my new post office.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Garden and more Garden!!

We ended up not going to the greenbelt like I had planned.  It was such a beautiful day that I thought I would spend some time in the garden.  I transplanted one of the watermelon seedlings onto a hill as per the instructions.  I hope I did it right. I also transplanted some of the lettuce seedlings. 


I decided it would be a good idea to visit the local nurseries, i.e. Home Depot/Walmart and see what I could see.  I hit the HD first.  We were there a few weeks ago and they had next to nothing.  Now they have tons of stuff.  I asked one of the clerks if they had marigolds and she said no. She totally lied to me. hehehe...  I found some yellow ones in the middle of a bunch of other plants.  African daisies I think they were.  I can't be sure.  I left HD with 8 yellow marigolds, a blue viola, a purple and white columbine, 4 purple pansies and 4 white pansies...oh, and a pair of pink/grey gardening gloves for Raven.  She is very proud of them.

What I really wanted, though, was an alternating yellow/orange marigold front line to my garden.  I proceeded to Walmart and sure enough, they had them.  They were MORE expensive than HD, which I thought odd, but nevertheless, I bought them.  I also found a bleeding hearts plant that is so totally perfect for me.  The columbine and bleeding hearts will take the place of the butterfly bush that I thought I wanted.  Apparently, it is common.  I don't like to be too common.  I also picked up some blue morning glory seeds that I planted at the base of the right side of the garden arch.  The left side is reserved for my tomatoes. 

Raven and I spent a few hours planting what we could.  I ended up with a few pansies and yellow marigolds left over.  I will ask one of my friends in the complex if she wants them.  As we were planting the marigolds, I noticed that one of the sunflowers from the bird feeder had fallen out and actually started to grow!  I ended up leaving it there and it will grow between two marigolds. It was really neat. 

While I was at Walmart I picked up 4 solar lights.  They actually work!  Yes, I am surprised when anything from that dreaded place actually works as it is supposed to.  I have a nice large spot in front of Faery Town that needs something, but I haven't decided what I will plant there yet, if anything. 

Below are my best pics from today. Enjoy!

As you can see, there is a lot of what looks like empty space, but believe me that it will grow soon enough.  Now, if we can just keep the weather from turning crappy again......


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Needs and the Post Office

I really need to get a printer.  I took my zip drive full of letters to heroes over to CopyMax last night after work and the guy didn't even charge me the color price for the pages that didn't have any pictures on them and I still ended up paying over $13 for the whole shebang.  Another few trips like that and I could have paid for my own printer.  The trouble is trying to find a good one that is compatible with my mac.  I can't wait until I get that new computer.  I'm not sure what OS it runs, but it has to be newer than Tiger.  I'm sure that it is Windows Vista or something.  (yikes!)

Anyway, I was happy to get them printed of course, and I will continue to do it until such time as a printer falls into my lap... LOL

I managed to get the Easter boxes out to the guys yesterday as well.  The trip to the post office of doom went really good.  That evil snatch behind the counter went into the back when she saw I was in line and I ended up with the older guy who is really awesome.  He would be the reason I keep coming back.  Unlike her, he always has a twinkle in his eye (or maybe it's dust, I can't tell) and a smile on his face.  He's helpful, friendly, and always patient.

That woman is horrible!  While I was filling out the customs forms a gentleman went up to the counter while she was helping someone just to ask a question and she bit his head off!  "You MUST go to the end of the line!"  The line was a bit long, I'll grant that.  Even I would have tried to get her attention (had I not known her better) if all I was asking was a simple question.  He blew up, said something to the effect of "Forget it then!" and took off in a huff.  She proceeded to gossip about him to the lady she was helping saying that "someone didn't spend enough time in the corner as a child." Are you kidding me?  Then she proceeds to continue making small talk with the lady she was helping long after she was done helping her with her packages when there is a line now to the door.

I will never understand the need for hypocrisy in the world today.....

Anyway, while I was at the counter with the really awesome clerk, there was a customer beside me who was filling out a customs form.  She was sending fudge to her military hero, probably her son or something.  She was having a bit of difficulty, so I was able to give her advice on what I do.  I also gave her a Soldiers' Angels card.  The clerk and I jokingly told her that she should send stuff for him to bargain with.  I swear it is almost like being in jail over there sometimes with the bargaining and trading and whatnot.  I felt like I did my good deed for the day (hypocritically, knowing that I was thinking such evil thoughts about the woman who still hadn't come out from behind the back room).  I hope that she will check out the SA website. The woman I was helping with the custom forms, that is. :)

Not my floor, but you get the idea.
I need a table!  Everything I have for SA is still sitting on the floor in what could be loosely called my dining room.  Raven and I eat on tiny tables in front of the tv usually watching some Disney movie.  (I'm really tired of watching those, let me tell you.)  So, my dining area looks so cluttered with everything on the floor.  I do have a writing desk, but that also has accumulated a bunch of stuff.  Bah!  Tomorrow I am clearing everything off of it and cleaning up the clutter!!  Admittedly, a lot of that clutter is packages and letters that need to go out.  Taken care of this Monday.  But still!  I think it's time to hit up the thrift shops for some plastic bins and possibly a table, but I wouldn't be able to get a table home.  I only drive a Corolla.  Not the best table-moving vehicle on the planet..hehehe.. Perhaps I can find one of those folding tables.  I know they are rather expensive, but who knows what treasures the thrift shops may have....  I will hit them up on Monday!! After I get more tea for the letters and stuff.....

Thanks for reading...


Friday, April 8, 2011

Dreading the Post Office

I MUST get those Easter care packages out today.  As it is, they probably won't get there in time, but at least they will get there.  I needed to get the money together to send them, and I didn't get as much help with the TVW package as I had hoped for.  Oh well.  Perhaps next month will be better.  Actually, if I don't get as much fundage as I hope, I will only send as big of a package as I get funding for.  So, if that means a padded envelope, so be it.  I don't always have to send out large boxes, but I know they appreciate it.

So, I must send out these boxes.  Unfortunately, the closest post office is the one that I wrote the complaint letter about (see a previous post) and I am not looking forward to going there.  I don't have any letters with me this time, though, so it shouldn't be THAT bad.  I just fill out the customs forms and off they go.  Hopefully in a timely manner.  I have a lot of other packages that need to go out, but I will wait until Monday so I can go to one of the other post offices.

All I know is that I will survive, I just wish I could survive altercations with people..

The weather has calmed down a bit, and I noticed no loss of life in the garden.  In fact, two more watermelon plants have sprouted!  I am very excited about that, and Raven was reallllly happy.  She lets out a cute little *gasp* and it makes me giggle.


So, I've been waiting patiently for my friend to get done with my computer.  It is toast, but she did manage to get all of the data off of my drives.  It is all waiting for me on an external hard drive (as long as THAT doesn't crash) so when I get my new computer, all I have to do is transfer the data and reinstall my programs.  Voila!  That really made my day.

It is good to know that my mac mini works.  I might just set that up for Raven to use as her personal computer or something... put some games on it perhaps.

I have been wondering how I am going to keep up on my Letter Writing Team names.  I had opted for two names a day.  Two things happened.  While I was perusing the headlines on yahoo yesterday morning I came across the story about FREE software.  One of the programs was a suite very similar to the Office 2007 suite.... work, excel, etc.  The program is called LibraOffice.  It looks and acts just like Word and the best part is that I can save the file to a .doc or .docx file.  The even BESTEST part is that the program is compatible with my very old mac mini that still runs Tiger.  I about died and went to heaven!  I don't have a printer still, but I do have my zip drive (see, I figured out the name of that little gadget) so that I can take them to CopyMax and get them printed off in beautiful color.  I add pictures to the letters for the heroes.  Happy Day!

I also opted to not have names given to me on Mondays.  That will allow me time to get everything printed for the previous week and sent out.  I am slowly but surely figuring out a system to all this madness.  I wish I were more artsy. I notice pictures of other angels who draw on their envelopes or draw handmade cards, and I feel like I should be doing something better, but I guess to each their own abilities.  What I do to my cards to try to make them unique is I have found military cartoons like the one below to add to their letters to help bring a smile.  It might not, but I think they will.  I also add pictures of stuff I am doing in my life.  Like the pics I previously posted about my walk along the river.  I'm sure that it is better than looking at the sea or the sand all day.

This weekend I am planning on going on a walk along the river with a friend of mine.  Hopefully she will still come.  On Monday I am having lunch with a few friends at my house.  I need to get my apartment cleaned!  I don't know what we are having yet, but I'm sure it will be good.  Perhaps sandwiches and fruit.  Not sure.  I haven't had anyone over since Raven's birthday party.

I used to have people over to my place all the time.  This was before kids, and even a little while after Raven was born, but lately I have become more reclusive.  That might be in part because of my work schedule, and I really don't like being a hermit.  I don't really like being in the middle of things, either, but somewhere there has got to be a happy medium.

I think that's all the ramblings I have right now.  I will write more if I come up with anything interesting.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Just Rambling On...

Wednesday was a day off for me.  I spent most of the time with a friend down at Bella's Grove making blank cards for people to write in if they want to send to one of the Chaplains.  The plan is to have an SA info booth at Bella's Grove garage sale on a Sunday a few weeks from now.  I still have time to make more cards.  I know that the heroes will appreciate them.

I planted some of the corn seedlings into my garden, and what does the weather do?  It HAILS for two hours this morning.  It is looking ok now, but for crying out loud, Spring, make up your mind already!

Oh, pictures of the walk that Raven and I took.  See below.  It was a really great time.

I am hoping that the weather will cooperate so we can go again, this time to a different section of the greenbelt.  

Otherwise, not much else goes on.  I work, I read, I sleep, and somewhere in there I find time to play with Raven. She's growing up so beautifully, but very stubbornly.  I guess she gets that from me.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Birthday Fundraiser for SA

Hello all my faithful readers....

Just a short note today to let you know that I am posting a link to my fundraiser for Soldiers' Angels.  My birthday isn't until August 29th, but I figure it is never too early to make a birthday wish.  ALL money donated via this link goes directly to Soldiers' Angels.  I'm just the middle gal to help raise money.  I truly believe in this organization, and I hope that there are a few out there that will help me on my quest to reach $500.  The donation is $10 minimum. (Set by the website, not by me.)

Thank you very much in advance.  Please visit Onyx's Birthday Wish to make your donation.

Together, we can make sure that "No soldier goes unloved..."

Please link and feel free to repost this blog or wish link.  Thank you!

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Complaint Letter to USPS

I don't get mad very easily.  I do get upset, though, when someone takes advantage of my hard earned cash.  The following is my letter to the United States Postal Service.  I was so mad that I wish I would have said more, but I didn't.  Enjoy!

"I am very upset with the female clerk in that office. Rudely going through the letters that I send to the soldiers and forcing me to pay 20 cents extra just to send them. After reviewing the information on the website, I can see where she was correct in doing so, BUT there is NO reason whatsoever that I should have been charged extra for the cards that I sent today. I have NEVER had a letter or a card returned due to not being able to go through your super sensitive machines. I have been coming to this post office every week for FOUR months, and every week is it something different with her. I will NOT be going to that post office ever again. In fact, I hope it is one that gets closed down when the post office goes through more budget cuts. I cannot believe that you are willing to rape the people over 20 cents because your precious machines cannot handle the thickness of one lousy tea bag. It doesn't even put the letter over the first class mailing weight. I am very offended. I am even moreso that your machines cannot handle one regular birthday card. It sickens me, actually. As I said before, I have never had a letter or card returned due to this issue. The soldiers love their tea, and it makes them very happy to get it. Either get your mail carriers up to date on the latest ways of ripping people off for postage or give me a break and get your machines to be able to handle a simple bag of tea or a birthday card for crying out loud! 

Sincerely, XXXXXXX 
P.S. There is no need to call me regarding this. My phone is turned off anyway."

Seriously, they MUST send these through some stupid machine lest we be charged more for someone actually picking up a damn stamper to hand stamp a letter or a card?? SERIOUSLY?!?  Come on, people!  Get off your technology kick for just one stinking minute.  It is no wonder why the post office just had to close down so many sites.  You keep finding new ways to rape the public while your service just keeps getting worse or doesn't change at all.  Quit being a postal nazi and think of something greater than yourselves for a change! 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Master of None

Wow, lost a follower after my last post.  No matter.  The ones that are important are still with me.  And, I thank you for that.

I often wonder about the effect of my ramblings on others.  The possibility is that they mean absolutely nothing, which is fine, too.  I'm not into writing to make a great impact on this world.  I am following the ones I am because you all DO write things that matter to me.  You are interesting, and I love to read what you have to say.  I don't always leave comments because I have no witty retort or particular opinion either way, but you all leave me with food for thought, and that is what I love.

I sometimes wish my ramblings would leave others with food for thought, but they don't.  And they won't.  No matter.....

"They" say you should write about what you know.  The trouble is that I don't know a whole lot about anything, and there are always people who know more about everything than I do.  Ah, research you say.  Yeah, well, that kind of goes along the lines of having no time for anything else and not knowing what I want to be when I grow up.

So, for now, you will all have to continue dealing with the chaotic ramblings of one very uninteresting individual.

I think I need a new Muse......


Friday, April 1, 2011

My Work With Soldiers' Angels

Every time I visit the SA website I cringe.  There are so many heroes waiting to be adopted.   There is just so much that one Angel can do.  I currently have two adopted heroes.  I had three, but one unadopted himself.  Ok, I thought.  No problem.  That leaves me free to join a few more teams and spread myself out a little bit more.  So, I joined the Chaplains Support Team.

Now, I was a little skeptical about this at first, afterall, anyone who knows me knows that I am on a Pagan path, not a Christian or Jewish one.  The team leader assured me that my contributions to the team are definitely welcome, so I went ahead and joined.  I wasn't let down.  So far I have sent off a few letters to Chaplains as well as sent several books for Operation Story Time.  The heroes get to record themselves reading a storybook for their children and it gets sent way of DVD, I believe.  I think it is very admirable.  Another set of books will go out on the 11th.

I have also stepped up my work with the Letter Writing Team.  I was getting three names per week, but opted for 14 names.  Two per day.  I think that will start as of tomorrow, but I'm not sure.  With over 1600 heroes waiting for adoption, I figured that I could at least send out letters.  I finally found my whatchamacallit (wait, that didn't set off the spell check???)  you know, the little tiny thing that one puts into the usb port to transfer information.  I am drawing a complete blank.  If fits on my keychain.  Anyway, I finally found it so now I will be able to type my letters and go to Copy Max to print them out.  I've included pictures as well.  Kind of what you guys get to read on my blogs, only more well written.. lol..

In addition to all that I still pick up TLC names whenever I feel like I have the extra money to send a care package.  Granted they are what I call "mini care packages" the smallest flat rate box, but boy, can one cram a LOT of stuff in that little thing!  I also have flat rate envelopes that I can pack full as well.

I know there is at least one other Angel in my area and we are friends on Facebook, but I still feel all alone out here.  That's ok, though because there is so much support from the team leaders and the SA forums and the FB group pages.  What I really want to do is set up a booth at the TVW garage sale that is coming up in a few weeks.  It would definitely be a start to getting the word out.  I have finally ordered some SA cards, and I will be posting those around town on the messages boards and stuff.

Why did I join SA?  I wanted to do something more than just things for myself.  I wanted to teach Raven that there is more to this world that our own little world.  And, honestly, I wanted something to do in my spare time.  I am the kind of girl who like to work behind the scenes. I'm not an upfront person, so this is the perfect opportunity for me to make a difference in someone's life without having to be in their face about it.

If you are interested in joining this wonderful organization, please visit Soldiers' Angels.  There are many options for helping our heroes overseas, even if it is sending a one-time care package.

I will close with a quote that I found rather interesting:

"I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom. " ~~Bob Dylan

Blessed Be