I've been super depressed as of late. I don't know if it is the lack of human companionship in my life, stress of school, lack of personal path, spiritual path, or just life in general that is causing it. I'm willing to bet that it is all of the above. I haven't really dated much since I got to Idaho. There were a few attempts that failed miserably and I attribute that to not being ready to be in the dating pool again.
I think I'm ready now, though. Well, are any of us ever really ready for something like that? hahaha.. We put ourselves out there for others' scrutiny. We take the chance on being rejected. No one likes to be rejected for whatever reason. An ex's roommate once told me that the reason the ex left me was because I wasn't pretty enough to be with. Damage to the ego much? I may not be pretty, but what I lack in looks, I make up for in other areas. Like personality. I have plenty of that.
I feel as though I have been withering away slowly over the last eight months. Probably longer than that, but it is really the last several months that I have had to take a look at and ponder about. What I do know is that I am on the right goal path as far as school goes. I have a goal for after graduation, and it will probably end me up somewhere other than Idaho, which is fine with me. I don't really have any ties here anyway. At least, they are not strong enough to keep me here. My mother called me a gypsy for a reason.
There really isn't much else going on in my life right now. I go singing as often as I can. I think I've gotten better, although I would really like to take lessons so that I can get better. Too bad they are so expensive. I knew I should have taken choir in high school instead of band! hahaha...