My family had moved, yet again, in the middle of my 8th grade year. I ended up going to a completely different junior high school where I knew absolutely no one. There were many kids there who took one look at me and decided that I was not worth their time, or worth their time enough to give me absolute hell on earth. I had very few friends. Except for one....
I do not remember how we met or who introduced us. I believe we were in band together. As I recall, he played clarinet, and I played flute. He was the nicest person I had met at that school.
The 8th grade trip to D.C. was coming up and I begged my parents to allow me to go on the trip. It was very expensive, and finally, they allowed me to go. This guy was also going, and I was so excited! I read in my diary that I really hoped I got to dance with him on the riverboat cruise that we were going to take on the Potomac River. I don't recall if we did or not, but I asked him a few weeks ago and he said that yes, we did.
We were like peanut butter and jelly on that trip and he sat behind me on the tour bus. We walked together through most of the attractions that our class stopped at. I remember almost getting left behind at the Library of Congress because I had gotten separated from the class somehow.
The summer passed, and he and I went to 9th grade together. I do not remember anything about that year except for being in band with him. I do know that we weren't very peanut butter and jelly that year, but we were still friends.
Valentine's Day that same year he cooked me the best dinner I had ever had to date. Steak and lobster and it was so romantic, and it was so tasty! I remember music playing. I remember declining the offer of champagne. I remember how everything was so very perfect and it was wonderful.
I also remember how I returned to his house the next day and broke up with him.
Suffice it to say that I left him for another guy who ultimately treated me like absolute trash. I cried because the decision was a difficult one for me to make and I was afraid, back then, of being treated too well. I thought I didn't deserve happiness. There are times when I still don't.
Our lives went separate ways, yet followed a somewhat parallel path. We were both married, had kids, divorced, not necessarily in that order. We've both known heartbreak, disappointment, deceit, and betrayal. We've both thought about each other over the last twenty years. Many times I would go through my yearbooks and see his picture or read the words he wrote and smile. I often wondered if he ever thought about me.
In 2009, technology brought us a bit closer together. Thank you, Facebook, for allowing connection between people from times past over long distances. When we reconnected online, we sent a few friendly messages back and forth. He was married at that time, I had just moved to Boise. Then a lot of time would go by without a word, but he was always there in the background. I even posted happy birthday messages on his feed a few of those years.
During the early times on Facebook, I had even told him what happened the day after that Valentine's Day so very long ago.....He forgave me a long time ago, but the weight of that day had been sitting with me in the background.
Earlier in August, he returned to Reno. About a week after he got there, he decided to send me a random message on Facebook. It simply had his phone number and a request for me to call or text him. And thus, a relationship was rekindled. We talked, texted, and yahoo video chatted for at least three weeks, and I made my decision to move back to my hometown, Reno, the place where we met, the place we both grew up.
I had asked him at one point why he took so many years to tell me how he felt about me. He said that he was really scared, but he was tired of living in a scared reality (or something to that effect) and he was just going to lay it all down on the table. Now, before you guys go off on things like, "you haven't seen each other in twenty years. How do you know it will work?" etc, let me just say that there are other underlying things going on that will not be written about here. Circumstances that prove beyond any doubt that he is sincere about everything he's said.
His mother passed by while we were video chatting one evening. He took a few moments to talk to her, then he returned to me. He said that she was off to bed, and that she loved me. I asked him if he meant that she said she loved him, and he said no, that it was love for me. She's seen how happy he's been over the last month, and that makes her very happy as well.
I've spent the last two days visiting with him. I met his family. I do not recall meeting them before. Maybe his mom, but definitely not his dad. I hope that I have made a good impression. I hope that they like me. Our families are already intertwined. His mom went to school with my dad and stepmom although they graduated a few years apart. His parents' anniversary is the same day as my birthday. His mom's sister is good friends with my step-mom's sister. It's really bizarre. I don't think I need anymore omens than that!
This evening he and I went for a walk at Idlewild park. He's been trying to lose weight, as have I, so walking is really good for us both. We have so much in common, and enough not in common as to keep each other on our toes and interested, likely for a very long time.
We are both getting back on our feet, and starting life over again, kind of. It is nice to be able to start it over again with the most kind, caring, romantic man I have ever known in my life. And yes, I said the "m" word! (man) It is not a word I use lightly because it means so much more to me than the basics.
Even after twenty years I have come to realize that I did make the right decision twenty years ago to break up with him after Valentine's Day. If I hadn't, we perhaps would not be where we are today and that is finally ready to be with each other now and always. Perhaps we would have gotten tired of each other and broken up or even married and divorced like so many people do these days. Who knows. I left my crystal ball in my other computer. But, I do know that I am very ready to pursue a life with him now.
I told a friend of mine in Boise about all that was going on. I told her that our relationship has been fermenting like a good wine for the last twenty years, which is how long it has been since I had seen him. She giggled and thought that our story might make a good fairytale/romance novel...lols.... And the truth is, that I love him with all I am. And, I know that he loves me in the same fashion, if not moreso. I'm looking forward to spending time with him again tomorrow.
I haven't even unpacked anything yet!