I sometimes consider myself a normal individual. I guess that depends on your definition of normal. I'm a single mom. I work. I go to school online. I have an awesome boyfriend without whom I would have become worse than a wreck a while ago. I have family members who care about me and who have helped me time and again when I chose the wrong path in life more than thrice.
But, these past few weeks have really tested my stress levels. Work has been extremely busy. I am a team lead where I work and I run a very specific set of stores who happened to need all of their stores nationwide done in September. Obviously, I'm not working outside my district, but to give you an idea of how much work has been going on, I've been doing two stores a day, Monday through Friday for the last two weeks. Because I don't work on weekends, my coworkers have been going with another team lead on Saturdays to knock out two stores as well. There is at least one other team in my area also doing these runs on top of everything else. Yes, it has been very busy.
So, Raven has been left home a lot in the mornings and afternoons. We will just say that that strain has created a lot of stress for her at school, and I got into trouble for leaving her home alone before and after school. Well, this was serious enough for me to nearly have to quit my job. I fixed the after school issue, but the before school issue isn't as easily fixed. There just isn't anything early enough on the days I work to take her to. So, I have had to cut back on my hours significantly. I'm not sure exactly what I am going to do because there isn't really much work for the hours that I am available for right now, and it is going to end up becoming even more stressful.
In addition to everything else, school work has fallen drastically behind. Why am I then writing this? Because I really need to get this out of my system and writing about it definitely helps. It's therapy for me, so suck it. This is the last week of the term, thank goodness, and it has come down to being the most behind in homework I have ever been. It isn't because I was slacking off or doing other things. Work has just kept me that busy. Well, because everything that happened with me getting into trouble, I had to take today and Friday off, and yesterday, too. I did manage to get a bit done, and I will be diving straight into it after I finish this.
I am not liking this imbalance that has crept up into my life. I am a huge fan of balance, but for now there is a great imbalance. Raven and I had a short talk about not allowing oneself to never have personal time. I have done the best I an to make sure that she has her own space in the house we live in, which is a one-bedroom. I have begun to create her art space out in one of the sheds. So far it is looking great. But, what about my personal space? I'm a strong individual, but there are times when even I need to have space to be alone to cry in peace and cleanse my soul. Even the strongest of people need that time to themselves. Who do the strong lean on in their time of need?
Right now my shoulder to cry on has been Falcon. If it weren't for him and his nonjudgmental nature, I would have crumbled or probably been arrested by now. He never made me feel bad or told me that I should have known better (even though I know I should have known better) and he has always been on my side. He's just that kind of man. I am very fortunate to have him in my life.
So, knowing that all things pass in time, I have done what I can to fix the issues, and I have to move on from here. I am not going to ask what else could go wrong because the Universe would certainly let me know!