Wow! That could bring up a lot of different images, couldn't it? Well, get your minds out of the gutter, People!
I'm talking about my salad. I harvested a few leaves of lettuce from my garden this morning and they were delish! I think I'm going to enjoy having a salad bar growing in my back yard! now, if only the tomatoes would hurry up and grow.
That's all. Oh, and there's no refund on getting the last three minutes of your life back.
It's in the fine print.....
Namaste and Welcome
I see you have chosen well, but be warned that my blog is exactly as it states... ramblings. You won't find this blog overly political, religious or much anything else. I write for me. Well, I write for you, the audience as well, but mainly for me. Would it surprise you to know that I've been keeping a hard diary since 1986? (yeah, I just dated myself.) Well, writing in the book has become painful, so I blog. I have many blogs on other sites, which is why this blog only has a mere few, but do know that I plan on maintaining this blog a bit more. I will probably not post a picture or use real names of any of my friends or family, if the blogs turn to that nature. There, you are forewarned.
Please do subscribe and enjoy the mindless babblings of the one otherwise known as Onyx of Darklite.......
Oh, and hey, would you mind feeding my fish at the bottom of the screen? Thanks!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
What I Want to Be When I Grow Up: Part Too!
So lately I've been caught with a case of the dreads over my current job. Most people my age have not just a job, but a career. Both of my siblings do. My brother is in construction and my sister has her teaching degree. She's been having a hard time finding a job as a teacher, but at least she's finished college.
It has come down to me dreading walking into work on most days, even though my job is easy, but stressful. I think that it has become TOO easy. Although, they are getting ready to change things up yet again, so we'll see what happens with that.
I have come to determine that I am one of those souls who will just have to spin a roulette wheel to figure out what she wants to be. I know it sounds like I'm obsessing about this, but my dad always told me I should have learned a trade of some sort. I'm getting to the age when I'm feeling almost to old to learn a new trade or go back to college. I know that is ridiculous, but that is how I feel as of late. I never really developed any talents that could be beneficial to my financial situation. In other words, I should have taken up car mechanics instead of karaoke.. LOL
I am perusing the plethora of degree paths that can be taken online or at a local campus. I had tried to get information about being a physical therapy assistant, but the information lady was rather presumptuous when I her if any of the classes were available online. Obviously it is a hands on type of program. I'm not THAT naive for crying out loud. But when she said that there were no classes offered online for the program because their students require dedication, I about fell out of my chair with rage. As if I have no dedication whatsoever. Well, screw you lady. I guess you won't be seeing my $390/credit tuition any time soon.
But, that is where I come to my conundrum. I require online study because of my work schedule and how INFLEXIBLE it actually is. I am sure that if I tell them that I need a specific schedule so I can go to school to learn widgetmaking 101, they'll laugh me right off the phone. The truth is that I was going to school online for about two years and had two more to go when I got burnt out. Actually, I hit a class that I wasn't doing very well at and decided that the program wasn't for me. I don't think I'm ever going to get out of taking a Statistics class. It's a tough class. I could go back and finish my AA degree. I only have four classes left, but ... ok, but nothing. I should just do it. speaking of which, I should check my email. I sent them an email requesting info on how I would go about getting those last four classes taken care of.
Ok, just got that email back from my advisor. Looks like he's interested in getting me going on that. Goodie for filling out FAFSA forms!
Ok, now that that is over with, I can go on ranting about other things.....
I haven't started packing for that trip yet. I'll be doing that all on Monday.
Wait, I was talking about career paths. One that peaked my interest was court reporting. Don't ask me why. My mind is full of chaotic thought patterns.
Gotta run for now. Thanks for reading!
It has come down to me dreading walking into work on most days, even though my job is easy, but stressful. I think that it has become TOO easy. Although, they are getting ready to change things up yet again, so we'll see what happens with that.
I have come to determine that I am one of those souls who will just have to spin a roulette wheel to figure out what she wants to be. I know it sounds like I'm obsessing about this, but my dad always told me I should have learned a trade of some sort. I'm getting to the age when I'm feeling almost to old to learn a new trade or go back to college. I know that is ridiculous, but that is how I feel as of late. I never really developed any talents that could be beneficial to my financial situation. In other words, I should have taken up car mechanics instead of karaoke.. LOL
I am perusing the plethora of degree paths that can be taken online or at a local campus. I had tried to get information about being a physical therapy assistant, but the information lady was rather presumptuous when I her if any of the classes were available online. Obviously it is a hands on type of program. I'm not THAT naive for crying out loud. But when she said that there were no classes offered online for the program because their students require dedication, I about fell out of my chair with rage. As if I have no dedication whatsoever. Well, screw you lady. I guess you won't be seeing my $390/credit tuition any time soon.
But, that is where I come to my conundrum. I require online study because of my work schedule and how INFLEXIBLE it actually is. I am sure that if I tell them that I need a specific schedule so I can go to school to learn widgetmaking 101, they'll laugh me right off the phone. The truth is that I was going to school online for about two years and had two more to go when I got burnt out. Actually, I hit a class that I wasn't doing very well at and decided that the program wasn't for me. I don't think I'm ever going to get out of taking a Statistics class. It's a tough class. I could go back and finish my AA degree. I only have four classes left, but ... ok, but nothing. I should just do it. speaking of which, I should check my email. I sent them an email requesting info on how I would go about getting those last four classes taken care of.
Ok, just got that email back from my advisor. Looks like he's interested in getting me going on that. Goodie for filling out FAFSA forms!
Ok, now that that is over with, I can go on ranting about other things.....
I haven't started packing for that trip yet. I'll be doing that all on Monday.
Wait, I was talking about career paths. One that peaked my interest was court reporting. Don't ask me why. My mind is full of chaotic thought patterns.
Gotta run for now. Thanks for reading!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Road Trip!
I love the traveling by car. There is so much of this country to see. I have made two trips nearly across the country, and though I didn't get pictures for one of the trips, it was lovely nonetheless. This trip will take me from Boise, ID to Orem, UT. I have never been to Orem that I am aware of. I have been to Salt Lake city a few times when I was younger. Not the most pleasant of journeys, but then, not all of the country is comprised of beautiful scenery.
I have heard that this particular trip is quite nice, mostly flat, and that is fine with me. The weather should be great for traveling the 7 hours or so.
The purpose of this trip you ask? I will be going to a cousin's high school graduation. Sure, it seems like a long trip to go just for that, but my mother will be flying down from Alaska. I haven't seen her in about three years, not since the D.C. trip. It is hard with her being so far away from the rest of us. I guess now you could say that my entire family is scattered between here and there. It will be a fun trip nonetheless.
I did manage to get my car cleaned out and unpacked from the Reno trip earlier this year.... FINALLY! hehe.. I am such a procrastinator. I got all my laundry done. Now I just need to concentrate on getting my bags packed, groceries shopped for. I don't plan on eating out a whole lot while I'm there. It's just too expensive. A friend is going to loan me a portable DVD player, so Raven will be occupied on the trip, and it also plays CDs so if she falls asleep, I'll be able to listen to music. Since my radio is still not playing tapes my mp3 player will be useless. Not that I have a lot of music on it right now anyway. I have all my CDs from my DJing days, though, so I'm covered.
I am looking forward to not worrying about working for those days. What I need, though, is a vacation where I don't have to cover other days in the week just to get the days I want off. I don't consider that a real vacation at all. I am thinking of taking a week off this summer, hopefully I can have my son with me then. Not sure about that, though. It would be expensive to get him here. We'll see what happens, though.
So, for this trip all I have left to do is pack and get my mapping together. I'm almost there!
I have heard that this particular trip is quite nice, mostly flat, and that is fine with me. The weather should be great for traveling the 7 hours or so.
The purpose of this trip you ask? I will be going to a cousin's high school graduation. Sure, it seems like a long trip to go just for that, but my mother will be flying down from Alaska. I haven't seen her in about three years, not since the D.C. trip. It is hard with her being so far away from the rest of us. I guess now you could say that my entire family is scattered between here and there. It will be a fun trip nonetheless.
I did manage to get my car cleaned out and unpacked from the Reno trip earlier this year.... FINALLY! hehe.. I am such a procrastinator. I got all my laundry done. Now I just need to concentrate on getting my bags packed, groceries shopped for. I don't plan on eating out a whole lot while I'm there. It's just too expensive. A friend is going to loan me a portable DVD player, so Raven will be occupied on the trip, and it also plays CDs so if she falls asleep, I'll be able to listen to music. Since my radio is still not playing tapes my mp3 player will be useless. Not that I have a lot of music on it right now anyway. I have all my CDs from my DJing days, though, so I'm covered.
I am looking forward to not worrying about working for those days. What I need, though, is a vacation where I don't have to cover other days in the week just to get the days I want off. I don't consider that a real vacation at all. I am thinking of taking a week off this summer, hopefully I can have my son with me then. Not sure about that, though. It would be expensive to get him here. We'll see what happens, though.
So, for this trip all I have left to do is pack and get my mapping together. I'm almost there!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
What I Want to Be When I Grow Up
Sounds like an easy thing to decide, right?
When I was young, I wanted to be an astronaut. That was until I found out how much science was involved. Science isn't my strong suit.
I also wanted to be an interior designer. Then I found out that I have NO fashion sense at all and I can't draw.
I also wanted to be a wildlife biologist. See reasons for not becoming an astronaut.
There was a time when I wanted to own a bakery. This was the only career choice that my parents actually ever gave me any encouragement with, but obviously that didn't happen. I'm not that good at baking, but nothing a little practice couldn't cure.
I went to school to be an audio engineer, but ended up moving to a state that didn't have the program, so I never finished.
I went to school online to get my business degree, but didn't finish that, either. I could probably go back and finish the last four classes and get my AA. At least I could say that I finished SOMETHING.
I have also considered being an event planner. Haven't followed through on that. I haven't decided yet.
Today I checked on another program... physical therapy assistant. There was a time when I wanted to do that, and actually applied for a job in a physical therapy office. I didn't get the job, but I thought that it would be nice. It's an expensive program, and I'm already paying on the loans for the business degree that I didn't get.
Personally, I think I'm screwed. I don't want to be stuck in the job that I am in now for the next five years. Sure, it pays the bills, but the hours are horrible, and finding help with Raven is getting harder. I'm ok with her until July, but I'll soon need to find someone to help me again with her on Thursdays.
It's getting to the point where I'm about ready to give up. I can't do that, though.
One of these days I will figure out what I want to be when I grow up......
When I was young, I wanted to be an astronaut. That was until I found out how much science was involved. Science isn't my strong suit.
I also wanted to be an interior designer. Then I found out that I have NO fashion sense at all and I can't draw.
I also wanted to be a wildlife biologist. See reasons for not becoming an astronaut.
There was a time when I wanted to own a bakery. This was the only career choice that my parents actually ever gave me any encouragement with, but obviously that didn't happen. I'm not that good at baking, but nothing a little practice couldn't cure.
I went to school to be an audio engineer, but ended up moving to a state that didn't have the program, so I never finished.
I went to school online to get my business degree, but didn't finish that, either. I could probably go back and finish the last four classes and get my AA. At least I could say that I finished SOMETHING.
I have also considered being an event planner. Haven't followed through on that. I haven't decided yet.
Today I checked on another program... physical therapy assistant. There was a time when I wanted to do that, and actually applied for a job in a physical therapy office. I didn't get the job, but I thought that it would be nice. It's an expensive program, and I'm already paying on the loans for the business degree that I didn't get.
Personally, I think I'm screwed. I don't want to be stuck in the job that I am in now for the next five years. Sure, it pays the bills, but the hours are horrible, and finding help with Raven is getting harder. I'm ok with her until July, but I'll soon need to find someone to help me again with her on Thursdays.
It's getting to the point where I'm about ready to give up. I can't do that, though.
One of these days I will figure out what I want to be when I grow up......
Friday, May 13, 2011
A Few Updates
Hello one and all!
Today the weather is so nice that I just don't want to be caged in an office all day. I know what will end up happening. I will go pick up Raven at the sitter's house and go straight to my garden to pull weeds. That is what happened a few days ago after work. It felt so good. I love just staring at the plants, watching them grow, smelling the flowers. I am happy to say that the 4th corn seed finally sprouted so I'm back to a block of four plants. My broccoli are doing great as is my mint that I can't keep own fault for not planting it in a container.. lol.... I think the chives are doing better. They haven't totally died yet, so the transplant was ok, I think. Oh, and I also saw the ever tiniest tomato sprout this morning when I went out to check. My row of lettuce has sprouted and doing really great. The only thing I am waiting on is my row of green onions which may or may not take off. My green onions that I transplanted are still alive, but they don't seem to be growing very much. I guess I should be thankful they aren't dead. The morning glories have sprouted and are doing fine.
Ya know, it is such a satisfying feeling to be able to watch things grow from seeds. My dad usually buys plants that have already been seeded and ready to transplant. While I can see the convenience of doing a garden that way, saving time and stress, I think that whenever possible I will plant from seeds. Perhaps that is part of my Marigold downfall. I planted them from containers.. hehe.. Which reminds me, I still need to replant them.
Ok, enough of the garden... on to other things having to do with humanitary (is that even a word?)
Yesterday I went in to the VA hospital and picked up a volunteer packet. I'll be volunteering once a week on Mondays. I think I have managed to secure care for Raven on a weekly basis. Yay for neighbors. The volunteer coordinator seemed really nice and I think that I can make some sort of difference, and if not, then it will be good for me to get out of the house on my days off. I refuse to have another day like I did on Monday. I did nothing, not even get dressed. Sheesh!
I have been stressing a little bit over Raven's daycare this summer. I was trying to find a less expensive route, but I think that I will end up paying a bit for her daycare in addition to having her at the daycare. My neighbor, a stay-at-home mom says that she would be willing to help me out on Thursdays and Mondays. Sweet, I say.
So, altogether, things are coming along really good. I am still climbing out of the financial hole I dug myself a few weeks ago, but otherwise, I am doing great.
I am looking forward to my cousin's graduation in June. My mom is coming down. She hasn't seen Raven since the D.C. trip a few years ago. It will be good to see her again. We're having pictures done. I hate having pictures done most of the time. I need to dye my hair before then and find something suitable to wear. It's going to be summer and all I have are jeans. bleh.
The last little bit of news is that I have volunteered to head up the TVW's Murder Mystery Dinner this year. I've never done one before, but I am going to assist our group's leader who usually does it, and it is going to be so much fun! If any of you reading this are in Boise, be sure to stay tuned. It will take place in November sometime. No other details have been set in stone, but when they are, you'll be the first to know!
I can't wait!
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Not my broccoli |
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Not my chives |
Ok, enough of the garden... on to other things having to do with humanitary (is that even a word?)
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The Boise VA Hospital |
I have been stressing a little bit over Raven's daycare this summer. I was trying to find a less expensive route, but I think that I will end up paying a bit for her daycare in addition to having her at the daycare. My neighbor, a stay-at-home mom says that she would be willing to help me out on Thursdays and Mondays. Sweet, I say.
So, altogether, things are coming along really good. I am still climbing out of the financial hole I dug myself a few weeks ago, but otherwise, I am doing great.
I am looking forward to my cousin's graduation in June. My mom is coming down. She hasn't seen Raven since the D.C. trip a few years ago. It will be good to see her again. We're having pictures done. I hate having pictures done most of the time. I need to dye my hair before then and find something suitable to wear. It's going to be summer and all I have are jeans. bleh.
The last little bit of news is that I have volunteered to head up the TVW's Murder Mystery Dinner this year. I've never done one before, but I am going to assist our group's leader who usually does it, and it is going to be so much fun! If any of you reading this are in Boise, be sure to stay tuned. It will take place in November sometime. No other details have been set in stone, but when they are, you'll be the first to know!
I can't wait!
murder mystery,
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
It Was Mother's Day or Something
Happy belated Mother's Day to all my fellow mothers out there. Yeah, not having a home computer really bites right now, so this is of course, late.
As for me, I didn't do much of anything for Mother's Day. Raven made me a few things in school, and brought home a live snap dragon that we proceeded to plant in the garden. It was a little lopsided and really in need of planting by the time we got it home, but I think it will be ok. I put a plant holderupper on it, so it should grow fairly straight and strong.
I managed to call my mom and tried to call my stepmom. She was unavailable as she was visting her mom and dad or something like that. My dad did say that she got my letter, though, and enjoyed it very much. My mom didn't get her letter until yesterday, but she still liked it.
Even Vile called me on Sunday to wish me a happy Mom's Day. I don't usually call him for Dad's Day because let's face it, he's not much of a dad to Raven. He did tell me that he thinks I'm doing a great job, like he would know, but it was nice of him to call.
Yesterday was a day of doing nothing. I didn't even get out of my jammies. I didn't write any letters, which I am a little bit behind. I watched movies all day long. I didn't even going out into the garden. I really feel like a lazy lump on a log. I hate days like that. Raven spent most of the time in her room because it was too windy and cold to go outside. I really don't like days like yesterday. I have tomorrow off, and I am vowing to NOT have a day like yesterday.
Tomorrow I am going to spend some time in my garden, write several letters and get my living room finally cleaned up.
If I am feeling extra adventurous, I'll clean out my card. I still haven't totally unpacked it from the Reno trip in February.
Shame on me!
As for me, I didn't do much of anything for Mother's Day. Raven made me a few things in school, and brought home a live snap dragon that we proceeded to plant in the garden. It was a little lopsided and really in need of planting by the time we got it home, but I think it will be ok. I put a plant holderupper on it, so it should grow fairly straight and strong.
I managed to call my mom and tried to call my stepmom. She was unavailable as she was visting her mom and dad or something like that. My dad did say that she got my letter, though, and enjoyed it very much. My mom didn't get her letter until yesterday, but she still liked it.
Even Vile called me on Sunday to wish me a happy Mom's Day. I don't usually call him for Dad's Day because let's face it, he's not much of a dad to Raven. He did tell me that he thinks I'm doing a great job, like he would know, but it was nice of him to call.
Yesterday was a day of doing nothing. I didn't even get out of my jammies. I didn't write any letters, which I am a little bit behind. I watched movies all day long. I didn't even going out into the garden. I really feel like a lazy lump on a log. I hate days like that. Raven spent most of the time in her room because it was too windy and cold to go outside. I really don't like days like yesterday. I have tomorrow off, and I am vowing to NOT have a day like yesterday.
Tomorrow I am going to spend some time in my garden, write several letters and get my living room finally cleaned up.
If I am feeling extra adventurous, I'll clean out my card. I still haven't totally unpacked it from the Reno trip in February.
Shame on me!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Dear Supervisors of the Almighty Floor...
There is nothing worse than being in a position where you have to make sure that there are certain things happening, and when you try to make sure they do happen, you get questioned for trying to figure out why they aren't happening they way they should be. That is pretty much my job description. And, frankly, I'm getting tired of it. I am tired of being told my my bosses how to do something, then get questioned by the people that aren't my bosses and when I answer their questions, they just ignore me anyway. Or make some dumbass remark about what I have to do.
I am NOT here just to answer chat and fill in a report every 15 minutes. It's my job to wonder why advisors aren't on the phones when they should be and to let the supervisors know when that is happening. It is my job to be the eyes of the floor, even though technically I can't even SEE the floor due to the ugly grey wall they constructed. It is my JOB to let you know when you have an advisor in an unauthorized aux code. It's my JOB to let you know if you have an advisor that hasn't logged on yet or is back late from lunch or to deny a late arrival. It isn't my job to hear a bunch of crap about how I do my job.
I wold appreciate a little bit more respect when it comes to making these decisions. I would appreciate you not going behind my back and letting them do whatever they want anyway because you can erase it later. We still get questioned over why it happened, and that is something that you, Supervisor, don't understand.
I am frustrated with this place. I will have been here two years on the 18th, and I can't say that it will be a very happy anniversary. I've been at this job a little over a year. If I had known that it would be this bad, I would have stayed on the phones.
I think it is time to actively seek employment elsewhere. I don't really want to because I like the pay here but it isn't worth the constant stress and the constant disrespect and pushback that we keep getting from the supervisors.
I would give just about anything to be able to work a "normal" schedule where I wasn't working 12 hours on Saturdays, too. I don't mind working on the weekends, but 12 hours is a bit ridiculous.
Yeah.... that's what I've got to do.....
I am NOT here just to answer chat and fill in a report every 15 minutes. It's my job to wonder why advisors aren't on the phones when they should be and to let the supervisors know when that is happening. It is my job to be the eyes of the floor, even though technically I can't even SEE the floor due to the ugly grey wall they constructed. It is my JOB to let you know when you have an advisor in an unauthorized aux code. It's my JOB to let you know if you have an advisor that hasn't logged on yet or is back late from lunch or to deny a late arrival. It isn't my job to hear a bunch of crap about how I do my job.
I wold appreciate a little bit more respect when it comes to making these decisions. I would appreciate you not going behind my back and letting them do whatever they want anyway because you can erase it later. We still get questioned over why it happened, and that is something that you, Supervisor, don't understand.
I am frustrated with this place. I will have been here two years on the 18th, and I can't say that it will be a very happy anniversary. I've been at this job a little over a year. If I had known that it would be this bad, I would have stayed on the phones.
I think it is time to actively seek employment elsewhere. I don't really want to because I like the pay here but it isn't worth the constant stress and the constant disrespect and pushback that we keep getting from the supervisors.
I would give just about anything to be able to work a "normal" schedule where I wasn't working 12 hours on Saturdays, too. I don't mind working on the weekends, but 12 hours is a bit ridiculous.
Yeah.... that's what I've got to do.....
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Spring Cleaning Part Deux
Yesterday didn't go quite as planned. I was really looking forward to getting my living room and kitchen cleaned. Instead, I opted to clean my room. My room isn't huge, but it is a bit bigger than my last room, which makes it huge. And, it was covered with nothing but dirty laundry. Shame on me. I straightened and rearranged and I even vacuumed the floor with that annoying smelly stuff that you dust on your carpet. It didn't even help the room to smell any better. I think I've had it for so long that the sniff evaporated out of it, but I can always pretend. I did light some Egyptian Cotton incense, and wow, does that smell great!
But, unfortunately, I'm not finished with my room. I still have all that laundry that was on my floor to do, as well as washing my sheets. On the plus side, I did get around to finally putting on the pillowcases that I washed a month ago. That felt nice against my head last night.
I did manage to get a load of dishes done, but ran out of detergent for the dishwasher. I suppose I will have to go back to the old ways and wash them by hand. I am also out of laundry detergent. I am NOT going to do my laundry by hand. I can just imagine myself trying to pull a "Snow White" or something and try to wash them on a whateveryoucallit.
Raven's room is pretty much done. I suppose it will be time to go through her clothes that are up in the closet and pull down the shorts and tank tops and such. I think it is also just about that time to go through her clothes and figure out which ones can be donated due to her growing like a weed the past season. Most of her jeans have holes in the knees, so they will make for perfect cutoffs this year. I might not have to buy anything but new jeans for her. Wouldn't THAT be awesome! Oh, and I need to vacuum her room. She has been doing a great job keeping her room and even her bed free of clutter.
So, I guess the next part will be to clean my kitchen or living room on Sunday. Yeah, that sounds about right. I don't like spending a WHOLE day cleaning, even if it does get it over with sooner. I want to have some fun or just relax to a movie or something.
Well, it is back to the grind for me. I swear that I will go blind looking at a computer screen all day long....
But, unfortunately, I'm not finished with my room. I still have all that laundry that was on my floor to do, as well as washing my sheets. On the plus side, I did get around to finally putting on the pillowcases that I washed a month ago. That felt nice against my head last night.
I did manage to get a load of dishes done, but ran out of detergent for the dishwasher. I suppose I will have to go back to the old ways and wash them by hand. I am also out of laundry detergent. I am NOT going to do my laundry by hand. I can just imagine myself trying to pull a "Snow White" or something and try to wash them on a whateveryoucallit.
Raven's room is pretty much done. I suppose it will be time to go through her clothes that are up in the closet and pull down the shorts and tank tops and such. I think it is also just about that time to go through her clothes and figure out which ones can be donated due to her growing like a weed the past season. Most of her jeans have holes in the knees, so they will make for perfect cutoffs this year. I might not have to buy anything but new jeans for her. Wouldn't THAT be awesome! Oh, and I need to vacuum her room. She has been doing a great job keeping her room and even her bed free of clutter.
So, I guess the next part will be to clean my kitchen or living room on Sunday. Yeah, that sounds about right. I don't like spending a WHOLE day cleaning, even if it does get it over with sooner. I want to have some fun or just relax to a movie or something.
Well, it is back to the grind for me. I swear that I will go blind looking at a computer screen all day long....
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Spring Cleaning, Part 1
There is something in the air today. Well, the last few days, really. Actually, I just look at my home surroundings and about want to throw up, it's so cluttered and filthy. I haven't been able to do much since I sprained my ankle last week, but I have just decided that it is time.....
Spring Cleaning!!
Yes, it is that time of year again when the animal get twitter-pated, or perhaps that was a month ago, I don't even know anymore, but what I do know is that spring is FINALLY in the air, and so is my desire to clean my apartment. I have spent the last several weeks looking around at my habitat and I've decided that it is time to make my place a home again.
Now, I'm not saying that I'm living it a total pigsty, although my mother would probably say so. It isn't the cleanest for sure, but it isn't the messiest, either. Raven has actually done a great job keeping up her end of the clean room bargain. I did have to get after her a few days ago, but she did her job, and now it's done. Now, it's my turn.
I still don't have a computer at home, so part two won't come for a few days.
Stay tuned. Who knows, I might even take before and after pictures.
Spring Cleaning!!
Yes, it is that time of year again when the animal get twitter-pated, or perhaps that was a month ago, I don't even know anymore, but what I do know is that spring is FINALLY in the air, and so is my desire to clean my apartment. I have spent the last several weeks looking around at my habitat and I've decided that it is time to make my place a home again.
Now, I'm not saying that I'm living it a total pigsty, although my mother would probably say so. It isn't the cleanest for sure, but it isn't the messiest, either. Raven has actually done a great job keeping up her end of the clean room bargain. I did have to get after her a few days ago, but she did her job, and now it's done. Now, it's my turn.
I still don't have a computer at home, so part two won't come for a few days.
Stay tuned. Who knows, I might even take before and after pictures.
spring cleaning
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