Hello one and all!
Not my broccoli |
Today the weather is so nice that I just don't want to be caged in an office all day. I know what will end up happening. I will go pick up Raven at the sitter's house and go straight to my garden to pull weeds. That is what happened a few days ago after work. It felt so good. I love just staring at the plants, watching them grow, smelling the flowers. I am happy to say that the 4th corn seed finally sprouted so I'm back to a block of four plants. My broccoli are doing great as is my mint that I can't keep contained....my own fault for not planting it in a container.. lol.... I think the chives are doing better. They haven't totally died yet, so the transplant was ok, I think. Oh, and I also saw the ever tiniest tomato sprout this morning when I went out to check. My row of lettuce has sprouted and doing really great. The only thing I am waiting on is my row of green onions which may or may not take off. My green onions that I transplanted are still alive, but they don't seem to be growing very much. I guess I should be thankful they aren't dead. The morning glories have sprouted and are doing fine.
Not my chives |
Ya know, it is such a satisfying feeling to be able to watch things grow from seeds. My dad usually buys plants that have already been seeded and ready to transplant. While I can see the convenience of doing a garden that way, saving time and stress, I think that whenever possible I will plant from seeds. Perhaps that is part of my Marigold downfall. I planted them from containers.. hehe.. Which reminds me, I still need to replant them.
Ok, enough of the garden... on to other things having to do with humanitary (is that even a word?)
The Boise VA Hospital |
Yesterday I went in to the VA hospital and picked up a volunteer packet. I'll be volunteering once a week on Mondays. I think I have managed to secure care for Raven on a weekly basis. Yay for neighbors. The volunteer coordinator seemed really nice and I think that I can make some sort of difference, and if not, then it will be good for me to get out of the house on my days off. I refuse to have another day like I did on Monday. I did nothing, not even get dressed. Sheesh!
I have been stressing a little bit over Raven's daycare this summer. I was trying to find a less expensive route, but I think that I will end up paying a bit for her daycare in addition to having her at the daycare. My neighbor, a stay-at-home mom says that she would be willing to help me out on Thursdays and Mondays. Sweet, I say.
So, altogether, things are coming along really good. I am still climbing out of the financial hole I dug myself a few weeks ago, but otherwise, I am doing great.
I am looking forward to my cousin's graduation in June. My mom is coming down. She hasn't seen Raven since the D.C. trip a few years ago. It will be good to see her again. We're having pictures done. I hate having pictures done most of the time. I need to dye my hair before then and find something suitable to wear. It's going to be summer and all I have are jeans. bleh.
The last little bit of news is that I have volunteered to head up the TVW's Murder Mystery Dinner this year. I've never done one before, but I am going to assist our group's leader who usually does it, and it is going to be so much fun! If any of you reading this are in Boise, be sure to stay tuned. It will take place in November sometime. No other details have been set in stone, but when they are, you'll be the first to know!
I can't wait!
Ooohhh sounds like you have a lot of exciting stuff cut out for you in the next few! Woot woot!