Namaste and Welcome

I see you have chosen well, but be warned that my blog is exactly as it states... ramblings. You won't find this blog overly political, religious or much anything else. I write for me. Well, I write for you, the audience as well, but mainly for me. Would it surprise you to know that I've been keeping a hard diary since 1986? (yeah, I just dated myself.) Well, writing in the book has become painful, so I blog. I have many blogs on other sites, which is why this blog only has a mere few, but do know that I plan on maintaining this blog a bit more. I will probably not post a picture or use real names of any of my friends or family, if the blogs turn to that nature. There, you are forewarned.

Please do subscribe and enjoy the mindless babblings of the one otherwise known as Onyx of Darklite.......

Oh, and hey, would you mind feeding my fish at the bottom of the screen? Thanks!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Neelix 2009-2011

Neelix was someone that always brought a smile to our faces.  He was friendly, happy, loving, and fat.  He couldn't run a race to save his life, but that is what we loved about him.  Me made his home in his wheel as well as in our hearts.

His purpose in this life was to teach Raven about death.  That when we die, we don't come back to life.  She cried for hours after I gave her the news that her favorite hamster, well, her only hamster, has passed away.  He was just over two years old.  Exact age unknown because I really didn't think to ask when we got him.  He lived with us for almost two years.  He competed in the last two hamster derbies, losing miserably each time, but Raven and I had fun, and that is all that mattered.

Even I cried for a short time upon discovering that our beloved pet had gone on to Hamster Heaven or wherever they go.

We have not yet buried him.  I am waiting until we can give him a proper funeral and whatnot.  For now he is lying in the cage with his eyes partially open.  I tell people he woke up dead.

Raven really really wants an orange cat.  I'm not ready to have a cat yet.  I do owe my end of the clean room agreement though, and I don't plan on disappointing her.  I am one who keeps my promises.

For right now, though I think that we will just mourn Neelix.  Perhaps we will watch a bunch of Star Trek: Voyager episodes with Neelix in them.  Yeah, I think that might be appropriate.

Raven and Neelix on Derby Day 2009 a few days after we got him.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Supergirls and Super Heroes

The past few days have been really fun and interesting.  Raven had her first ever sleepover at our place with just one friend whom we'll call.......Butterfly.  Raven and Butterfly are becoming the best of friends.  Butterfly is about a year and a half younger than Raven, so Raven takes every opportunity to be a bit bossy.  I am trying to squash that quickly.  It is hard for them because they are both strong-willed girls.  And, they both live as only children.

The night started out with the girls wanting to play dress-up.  It just so happened that last year Raven was Supergirl for Halloween.  I had found the one costume at a thrift shop, but it didn't come with all the pieces.  I finally gave in and went to the Halloween store and bought her a brand new Supergirl costume that had the accessories, so she ended up with two costumes.  The girls dressed up in them, and they looked like a super pair to be sure!  I wish I had my pictures, but they are on the computer at home.  I think I'll probably add them later on.

For dinner that evening I showed them how to make mini pizzas, and they had a great time rolling their biscuits, spreading out sauce and choosing their own toppings.  It was great fun.

The girls watched movies, played with legos, played games, left nuts for the squirrels, and altogether had a really great time.  I think they both wanted their space back by the time Monday came around, but in the end, Raven missed Butterfly a lot.

I got my new debit card in the mail yesterday, so that is one step closer to being back to normal.  I just need to get my checks ordered and the money still needs to be credited to my account, then I'll be all set. I am a little disconcerted that it is taking longer to get that money credited this time around than it did last time, and this time it is less than $50 that needs to be done.  Oh well, I will call them later or something. I hope that something like this never happens again.  I will certainly be more careful in the future.

One of my Marines unadopted himself.  I felt a little disappointed by that, but totally understand the reasons.  On the bright side, I did hear from the third hero I adopted via email.  It was really great to be in touch.  The only one I haven't heard from yet is my first soldier I adopted.  It's ok though.  I just hope that he's doing well.  Nothing has been returned yet, so I can assume that everything has been getting to him.  My Easter boxes are going out tomorrow I believe.  I ended up with an entire Easter box due to the unadoption of my Marine. I think I will split up the extras that I didn't put in the third box into mini Easter boxes for a few of my Letter Writing Team names or perhaps my Ladies of Liberty names.  Yeah, that sounds like a good idea... in theory anyway.  We'll see what happens.  :)

Nothing new yet on the new and improved me, but I'm still working on it.  I'll probably be working on it the rest of my life.  I'm ok with that.

I did get around to leveling out my garden plot.  Hopefully there won't be anymore swimming pools when it rains.  I will see how packed the soil gets after the next time it rains to see if I need to add more or not.  My not so nice neighbor was outside while I was doing this and suggested that I use some rocks on the side where the rain gutter is to prevent that water from seeping into the garden.  Duh, really?  It would actually clash with my fencing, but I think I can figure something out.  Besides, I am hoping that by leveling it out it will not pool up anymore.  And, once I get everything planted that I want, that should help it, too.

Some of the TVW ladies got together on Sunday to make sand scarves for some of the deployed heroes. it took a lot longer than we thought due to the ironing involved.  (We don't like to do anything half-assed.)  We only got about half done, but that's ok, because that just means that we will be able to get together next time to finish.  It was great fun.

I think those are all the ramblings that I can spew out at the moment.  Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, hate mail or compliments below. I enjoy reading it all.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Who Am I?

Let's see.  How do I start this.  A friend of mine, who spent a lot of time in Germany, once told me in the course of a conversation that when you ask a European what they do, they give you a list of their hobbies.  "I'm a painter.  I'm a rock climber...etc."  When you ask an American what they do, they tell you what they do for a living.  "I'm a secretary.  I'm a ditch digger....etc."  I pondered that for a long time, and realized that she is probably right.

So, just who am I?  

A few years ago I would tell you that I was a DJ, a private party bartender, a karaoke singer who got to compete in Sammy's Showroom in Reno, a club promoter, a friend to many, and a hiker.  I was also a clerical assistant.  

Now, If you ask me who I am, I will tell you that I am a mother, a Soldier Angel, and an overworked, under-appreciated Work Force Management agent, and a once-in-a-blue-moon karaoke singer, and an avid reader of horror/fantasy novels.  

I feel like I am not living up to my true potential.  What is my true potential you might be asking?  Hell, I don't know.  I feel like I am wandering aimlessly through this life with no true direction.  How does one find direction?  Hell, I don't know.  I feel like I am lacking some key element of the human psyche that everyone else seems to have a grasp.  I think I tend to live in the past, which is probably my first issue.  I have flyers from my last club plastered all over my wall to remind me of how it used to be.  

Dammit, it isn't like that anymore.  That life is gone!  It left me, or I threw it away, I can't really say for sure.  All I'm left with is memories. Some good, some bad, some stoic, but memories nonetheless.  

I am in my mid-30s and I have no clue what I want to be when I grow up.  I used to have such fantasies.  I used to want to be an astronaut, an interior designer, a wildlife biologist, a bakery owner, a musician.  There is only one of those that I ever got any encouragement for from my parents, and I can tell you that it wasn't being a musician.  It's funny, now that I look back on it.  I cannot recall a single time when either of my parents or step-parents ever told me, "You can be anything you put your mind to."  It was always, "You'll never be able to make a living doing that."  

I guess I had more practical parents.  

I think about what it is that I truly want to do with my life, but their words still linger in the back of my mind, "You'll never be able to make a living doing that."  

Well, I say it is time for a change.  It's time to figure out what I want to be when I grow up and draw up a plan.  Ok, it's a little late and I've made so many mistakes that everything is now coming out of order, but oh well.  

Better late than never.

Stay tuned for progress reports on the new and improved me.

Friday, March 25, 2011

It's Happening Again

I really hope this doesn't become a regular thing with this account.  Apparently, there were two charges that slipped through on my paypal account even though they have been refunded on the paypal side.  Thankfully, they were less than $45 worth, but I'm having to go down to the bank again and sign yet another form and wait another three days or whatever to get the money returned, and then get a new account number and stuff. On top of that I have to cancel the direct deposit and then give them the new number for my direct deposit, and the HR lady is so flakey that who knows how long that will take to go through.  I have enjoyed my direct deposit for the last nearly two years or so, and I want it to stay that way.  I don't like change of any kind.  Yes, I know the world changes.  Sue me.

I haven't been able to cancel my paypal account because there are still outstanding payments being reversed on that account as well.  I can't even get my checking account off of my paypal account because I can't get my location confirmed because I couldn't pay my phone bill this month, so I have no phone for them to call.  This has been turning into a nightmare.

It's my Friday, and I'm just not in a good mood anymore. I was perfectly fine this morning when I woke up and came in to work.  A great feat considering that I've gotten talked to about my poor attitude on Saturday.  Really?  Whatever.

I think that if I just focus on something good, like the seeds that have started sprouting, then I'll be able to  get through the day unscathed mentally.  Wish me luck.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


There are some days when I wish I could have just stayed in bed.  Today would be one of those days.  The issues of the past several days apparently seeped into my work life, and I got in trouble for my attitude while at work.  There are many people who don't like me as it is and some of them tend to over analyze things I say, or the emotion in which it is said.  Yes, I am still working on keeping my personal life separate from my work life, but when I have no other outlet to vent to (other than here, which apparently didn't work this time) I tend to blur the line between the two.  All I can say is that I won't do it again, and try real hard to do so.  It wasn't a very pleasant thing to come to work to this morning, but I have a really cool team lead who is very understanding of the stress that our job brings when we have to work 12 hours alone.  I really think that the stress wouldn't be so great if we didn't have to work in here alone, especially on a weekend when it tends to be the busiest.  Who's idea was that anyway!  Oh yeah, our great and mighty supervisor who I've only met once in person.  I can say this, though.  At least I'm not working BOTH weekend days alone anymore.  That was absolute hell.

I've been at this job for two years in May, and in this position for nearly half of that time.  This job is not challenging anymore, and I think that because it is not, I am getting bored with it, and bored with the constant nitpicking of the supervisors over little things, the constant button-pushing of the advisors who think that I am the same person as I was when I was an advisor and a mentor to some of them.  That person died about a month after I took my current position.  In this position, I am not allowed to have friends on the floor for fear of being accused of favoritism.  Which doesn't happen anyway.  I favor no one.  I do tend to get irritated when the buttons get pushed, though.  I think anyone would. I wish that the advisors would stick more to the rules and quit pushing my buttons.

I also think that on a subconscious level I am probably jeopardizing my job altogether because of the tedium that has been this job for the last several months.  It is clear to me that I could never be a supervisor of anyone. I clearly lack the social graces enough to do so.  I'm a stickler for the rules, I always have been even when I was young.  I prefer to maintain order and I cannot stand chaos.  I like things planned out a certain way and have difficulty when the plan doesn't work the way it should.  I guess one would say I'm rigid, and I think that I am the type that would let power like that go to my head.  I am also painfully shy.  Those traits do not a good supervisor make, so I think I will doom myself to be a lowly worker bee the rest of my life.  I guess the world needs worker bees.  I always thoughts I would make more of myself than that.  Actually, I'm more like a worker ant.  I'm not even good enough for a stinger!

I suppose that the strong thing to do would be to get over the weekend and all of its dealings, as they have ended.  I was really feeling great when I got to work this morning, but after that talking to I got about my attitude on Saturday, I really feel crummy now.  I guess I should get over that, too.  It's over and done with and just try to go on from here.  It seems like no one in this building understands me, and never will.  I try to conform to their ways, but I don't like having to be a strict professional.  I guess people just can't tell when I'm joking.  Perhaps I'll go back to being the stoic that I was several years ago.

Nah.  They'll just have to get used to me!

Read it while it's hot.  I'll probably be deleting it soon for its sheer pity party factor.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Account Update

I am very please with my credit union.  They have rocked ever since I got this job and that was about two years ago.  True to their word, they have reversed all charges.  They even reversed an extra $30 fee.  I noticed this and of course I called to let them know.  I would have loved the extra money, but I truly believe in karma and keeping that money would have been no good.  I am happy to say that I will be able to repay the friends from whom I borrowed money and I didn't end up using even half of the borrowed funds for gas.  Now I can go get my car registered, my phone and rent paid and grocery shopping done.  Thank you, once again, to all my friends who bailed me out during this time.  You all rock and I hope very soon that I will be able to repay the favor.

Back into the Swing..

Good morning, Faithful Readers!

The last few days have been interesting to say the least.  I had them off work, so at least I had that going for me.

Raven spent the weekend with her half sister, Nightingale.  I think I remember mentioning her before.  They don't get to spend too much time together, mostly because I am so busy with this or that or work or whatever.  I hadn't intended for Raven to spend the whole weekend there, but it was nice to get a break. Especially since this was the worst  cycle for me in my entire history.  Ugh!

Sunday was Ostara, or Spring Equinox and I went to Bella's Grove for their ritual.  It was really brief, but beautiful.  There was a handfasting afterward that I didn't stay for because I knew that I needed to pick up Raven from her sister's house.  She was outside riding on a razor scooter.  She looked really cute on it.  I think I'll get her one in the coming months.

That is, if I ever get my bank account fixed.  The "provincial line of credit" that was supposed to come through on Monday for all those wonky charges never made it and it's even more in the red now because of those stupid automated over draft charges that occur.  The bank did say that they would cover all the charges that will occur, and that's great, but sheesh, it is taking forever it seems.

A few of my friends came through for me, though, in this time of need with cash and even a whole box of food so I wouldn't stave while they are trying to figure this out.  So now I'll have gas money hopefully until this all blows over.  I appreciate my friends very much.

Yesterday we had our private egg hunt in celebration of Ostara.  The night before, Raven and I decorated eggs.  I don't think that we have ever done that together.  She has spent the last two years with Nightingale for Easter.  Their family decorates eggs every year and does the egg hunt and whatnot on the Easter holiday.  Easter this year isn't until April 24th, but as you may have guessed, I don't celebrate Easter.  Raven was very excited about looking for the eggs.  I wanted to have them outside, but it was just too cold and windy.  We made due with our living room.

Yesterday was the worst feeling day I have ever had since I hit puberty all those years ago.  I was in so much pain and pale from too much blood loss all at once, and I didn't want to do anything.  I had promised Raven that we were going to go to the library yesterday, but I wasn't feeling well enough to even make dinner much less go anywhere.  I think that due to my not feeling that well, I ate a whole box of Girl Scout cookies less the ones that Raven ate.  I am feeling much better today.

So, today it is back to work, then tomorrow off. I think I will take Raven to the library tomorrow.  One of her sitters like to take her to the library, so she is already familiar with going.  I haven't even considered going to the library since I was in Reno and using one of their desks to write to my soldiers while I was there.  And before that, I couldn't even tell you the last time I was at a library.  Probably the last time I lived in Reno.  Raven likes to use the computers at the library.  She'll have to show me what she does.

I think that is it for now.  It's so early that I really don't know what else to say...

Currently, I am listening to Cuts U Up by Peter Murphy on my Pandora station.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Credit Card Update #3 Short

I went to the bank at lunch today and signed the paperwork.  They told me it could take up to ten business days before I see those reversals.  Two weeks, really?  That is going to throw a whole bunch of stuff off for me.  Like getting my car registered, paying my rent, etc.  Not to mention keeping gas in my car for the next several days. Gah!

I know that in the end all will be well.  The bank didn't require a police report, so I am not going to fill one out.  If later they need one, of course I will comply.  What's the point.  The money will be refunded, I'll get back on track and chances are good that the criminals probably wouldn't have been dumb enough to leave footprints behind anyway.

I'll let Karma deal with them.

Debit Card Update

I called my bank as soon as they opened today.  They were very pleasant.  All I have to do is go to the bank and fill out a VISA affidavit or something like that and have it notarized, which thankfully they have a notary right there in the bank.  Hopefully it doesn't cost anything.  I'm totally broke until they fix this.  Then, they will reverse the charges after the charges that are going through "clear" on Monday.  She was really pleasant, and I didn't end up having to get upset over anything. I really like this credit union.

Now, I'm on hold with Paypal, as that was the place where the $1800 in charges were placed.  Seriously?  So, I've been on hold for the last five minutes after talking to someone that thought the charges were made from MY paypal account.  No, they were made from some other paypal account.  "Oh, let me transfer you to a specialist".  Yeah, I've used that one a time or two myself when I was on the phones.

So, the charges are getting ready to be reversed on Monday, hopefully before my direct deposit goes through on Tuesday.


Ok, got through the call with paypal.  They had already flagged the 6, count them SIX charges on MY paypal account as suspicious, and they are now flagged as unauthorized.  I thought that someone had merely added my debit card to their account.  But no, someone hacked MY paypal account.  The charges will take about ten days to be reversed, but the credit union will still be reversing everything on Monday, hopefully, once they rest of the transactions go through.

I will get my new card in about ten days.  I have changed my password on my bank account, just in case.  I will be closing my paypal account.  I never used it anyway.

What a freaking nightmare...... The sad thing is that these transactions were made from paypal, so it is possible that my debit card is still sitting at the bar.  I just find it strangely coincidental that these charges happen to show up the same night that my card disappears.  Oh well, what can you do.  It is the little twists of life that keep things interesting.  I figured I couldn't go a whole year without something bad happening.  LOL.. I am just glad it was only minor.

So, there is it is there.  Does anyone have $20 I could borrow until Tuesday?  :)

Human Decency, or the Lack Thereof

Good morning, Faithful Readers.

I am so livid. Why you ask?  Me? Who feels nothing half the time?

It all started when I decided to go out last night to sing karaoke.  I knew I should have just stayed home.  Oh well, that was my first mistake.  My second mistake was not looking at the card that was given me when I left the second bar I was at.  The first one I was only at for as long as it took for the bartender to tell me that I had to spend a minimum of ten bucks just to use my card.  That was AFTER he already made my Midori Sour.  I took my card and left him with the drink.  I didn't even have that much money on my card.  I don't even drink that much, but I know how important it is to buy stuff at the establishment you are going to.  That's how they stay in business.

So, I went to the second bar.  A really crappy song selection for karaoke if I do say so myself, and their staff isn't that friendly.  I ordered a pineapple juice and when I gave my card to the bartender I told him to just keep it open because the juice was only one dollar and I know that it cost money for them every time they swipe the cards that come through.  I only ended up staying long enough for one juice.

I went to the bar to get my card and the bartender just threw me the card and said not to worry about it.  Sucks for him because I was going to tip him a few buck for the trouble of pouring my juice.  I left in a hurry.

This morning I went to purchase water, as I do most mornings, and upon paying, I noticed that my pin number wasn't working.  Strange.  I tried it three times, then the clerk tried to run it as credit.  It came back declined.  I looked at the card... It wasn't mine.  (Like you knew that wasn't coming.)  Ok, so the crappy bartender at the second bar gave me the wrong card number.  No problem.  I could always call later on in the day to see if the bar still had my card and I could return this card.  You know, like a decent human being would.

I get to work today and check my account.  Apparently, I'm the only decent human being in this town.  The jerk who got MY card ran up $1800 work of paypal charges.  Not even MY Paypal account.  It looks as though they have added my card to their paypal account or something.  So much for human decency.  This really sucks because if I don't get those charges reversed before Tuesday, my check will hit and I will still have a negative balance on my account.  *sigh*

Thankfully, my bank is open on Saturdays, but not until 9am.  It is currently 7:35am here as I write this.  Be sure that I will drop whatever I am doing and call them at 9am sharp to get this straightened out.  I don't care if I have to go to whomever is the top dog in my bank's company.  Those charges WILL get reversed and my card canceled.  It will suck to be me for the next few days without my card to access my account, but as long as everything gets taken care of in a timely manner I will be ok.

I think I have learned two very good lessons with this.  NEVER go out on a Friday night when I know I have to be up the next morning.  And, ALWAYS check the name on the card that is given back to me.  I don't know why I didn't think about that before I left the bar.  Chalk that up to sheer stupidity.  I guess I am too trusting.  I don't think that I'll use my card at any bar ever again.  I'll always take cash with me.  There are just too many shady people out there, and I am WAY too trusting, I guess.

Be sure that I will keep you all up to date on the progress of this little mishap in the life of me.  I am just very glad that I have nothing coming out of my account automatically, like bills or whatnot.  I do have rent, car insurance and my phone to pay with this upcoming check.  Goddess, I hope that I get everything straightened out before Tuesday.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Dear Spring,

Please hurry up and get here.  You tease me with the birds who chirp, the squirrels who come eat my offering, and the flowers that are springing from the ground.  Spring, you let me down the other day by snowing.  Cold weather does not spring make, and you truly dishearten those of us whose only intentions is to bask in your beauty, and plant seeds in your womb.  I have seedlings that are nearly ready to be planted, but I cannot because you refuse to cooperate.  Please Spring, hurry up and get here.  Patience is not one of my virtues.


One of Mother Earth's Daughters


Ok, now that that is out of the way, you may have noticed that I have revamped my blog (again).  Plan on that every month or season or so.  I really dislike looking at one thing for too long. Don't you?  It turned out a little darker than I had hoped, but I can't figure out how to get rid of that translucent gray area over the picture.  I decided that it is better to have it there, than try to find a color text that works well with every picture.  At least most of the colors match.  :)

There is a squirrel who has come by the past few mornings.

Mr. Squirrel, a quiet friendly, not-to-skittish creature has visited us a few times this week.  The last three days, actually.   He is rather friendly, and I would love to come up with another name other than Mr. Squirrel.  Any ideas?   Today I decided that I didn't want to waste my precious salted peanuts, so I left him some raw slivered almonds that I ended up not liking very much.  About twenty minutest later, he showed up to dine on the offerings.  He's such a cutie!  Raven really likes him a lot. Below is a picture of the first day he showed up.  He's totally posing!

The little bugger decided to take some of the peanuts that day and bury them in my garden, which you can see the corner of in the above picture.  I can't wait until it is warm enough to plant whatever seedlings I end up cultivating.  I have broccoli, lettuce, green onions, tomatoes, corn, and watermelon seeds attempting to grow right now.  You can guess whose idea the watermelon was. :)  

I noticed that the bird feeder is also slowing emptying as the birds gradually figure out that there is food in it.  I haven't been able to get any pictures of birds actually using it because they are so skittish that they fly away when they sense any movement whatsoever.  That's ok.  I'm just glad that the Dollar Store hanger I've used to hang it is working out so well.  It hasn't fallen over.  Great item for the price!

It's Friday, but not yet my weekend.  Tomorrow is the dreaded 12 hour work day.  I really dislike working these funky hours, but I have yet to be called on the other job I applied for.  I think that is ok, though because I got to thinking about how difficult it would be to find someone to watch Raven for evening hours instead of just having someone pick her up after school or something and watch her until I Get home.  I only work three days during the week, so it is only those three days.  I will have to think about what I'm going to do.  Thankfully, I have until August 24th to get it figured out.  I think that's the first day of school.  I'll have to double check.  

I won't stress myself over it, though.  I WON'T!  Besides, the only thing that leads to is a massive amount of overeating, and I don't want that to happen.

It IS chocolate time.  The only time during the month when I will allow myself to eat chocolate, or any other candy.  Sugar seems to help me relax a bit.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another Update Because I Know You Are All Excited to Hear About It!

Good morning, faithful readers.  I know you are all just dying to know what I did over my weekend.

On Sunday I didn't do much of anything actually.  I went to the grocery store for stuff and things.  Somewhere in there I also finished putting together the care packages for my soldiers.  I actually sent out three large ones and three smaller ones.  It was a lot to carry to the post office on Monday.  I wrote a few letters, and sent a few post cards.  I think I'm caught up on all my post card requests for now.

Sunday was also the evening of Raven's first official sleepover with a friend.  She spends the night at the sitter's house every Friday, but that's the sitter.  This was a friend, close to her age. They get a long really well.  So, while she was there, I took advantage of the time alone and went to sing karaoke!  My all-time passion is to sing karaoke.  I don't get out as often as I used to so when I do I want to make sure not to waste the time.

I went to Terry's bar on State Street.  They have the nicest KJ and one of the best song selections that I have found in Boise.  I will admit to not having been to very many karaoke bars in the Boise area and I have heard of a few with more comprehensive song selections, but for the ones that I have been too, I enjoy Terry's bar a lot.  I love it when I get to go on Sundays even more because it isn't crowded.

Now, those who know me know that I have a rather low vocal range, so I mostly sing songs sung by guys or females that have the same vocal range as myself.  I feel comfortable with that.  Last night, though because it was so dead I decided to try some new* songs that I'd never tried before.  Below is the set of songs that I sang on Sunday:

I Ran by Flock of Seagulls

Desert Rose by Sting

Hell by Squirrel Nut Zippers *

Free by VAST*

Drops of Jupiter by Train


for my last song I decided to try a song sung by a female whose range can be out of my range, but I decided to stretch the limits and see what I could do.  I think I blew everyone away.  I got the most applause of the entire night with this song.  

Uninvited by Alanis Morrisette.* 

Talk about a powerful song, lyrically and musically.  I really got into that song, and by the time I was halfway through I ended up with shivers.  It was an experience to be sure.  I will definitely add this one to my permanent repertoire.  What an awesome night of karaoke!!

Monday morning I went jogwalking.  See my C25K blog for more information on that.

After picking up Raven from her friend's house, I went to the post office as I previously stated, to mail off the care packages.  Note to self: Get to the post office BEFORE noon to avoid being there when only one clerk is on staff.  Otherwise, not only will I be waiting in line forever, the poor slobs behind me will also be waiting for me for twenty minutes to finish once I've gotten to the clerk to mail out the packages.  Altogether I was there about 45 minutes.  Half of that was filling out the customs forms, to which I used all of the ones that were in the display case.  LOL... Yeah, I love being a Soldiers' Angel!

Afterward Raven and I went to Taco Bell.  I managed to keep my intake down to just the nachos bellgrande.  The taco supreme that came with the meal and Raven's cinnamon twists I gave to a homeless guy in the WinCo parking lot.  I figured that was better than throwing a perfectly good taco to waste.  He seemed grateful.  

Somewhere in there we watched a few movies at home.  I think I wrote a few more letters and I got three mini care packages together for whomever the ladies are that I get next month.  I like to be on top of things like that.  

Oh, I wanted to mention also that I got two emails from two soldiers heroes yesterday! I was so happy about that.  One was from a LWT name that I sent out in February.  He just go the letter!  I was kind of weirded out by that because I thought that it would have gotten there a lot sooner.  Perhaps he was just out on a mission or something.  I don't know, but of course I wrote him back.  

I also got an email from the soldier whom I sent the spaghetti feed stuff too.  In that box I sent a package of spaghetti, a can of sauce, parmesan cheese, a box of powdered milk and a few other things that I can't recall at this time.  He said that he really liked getting something other than trail mix.  They were going to have it for dinner last night.  I hope they thoroughly enjoyed it!  I'm also glad the milk didn't bust open causing a panic among the postal workers.  lol!  Oh yeah!  The milk was so they could make it to use with the boxes of macaroni I sent. I also sent them some powdered Butter Buds.  I thought it was quite clever.  I wrote him back as well.  I hope that they choose to keep in touch.  

Dinner was a challenge for Raven.  She's at that stage where she won't eat anything I cook unless it is something SHE wants.  I've gotten to the point where if she doesn't eat what I'm serving, she can go hungry for the night.  I at least want her to try the food I'm preparing.  Last night we had tilapia, baked zucchini bites, and strawberries and grapes in whipped cream.  She REFUSED to try the fish.  I made her take a bite anyway.  She did try the zucchini bites which she didn't like.  No worries.  I never liked zucchini, but I found this preparation method to be rather good.  She did manage to eat the fruit.  Since she at last tasted the fish and didn't like it, I did heat up a leftover piece of chicken which took her forever to eat.  I wish I had a kitchen table we could dine at instead of in front of the tv.  It's frustrating. Perhaps I shall have to save up for one.  I just hope it doesn't end up as a place for holding more junk.

Well, I think I've gnawed at your eyes for long enough.  Thanks for reading.  If something else of importance comes up, I'll be sure to keep you updated.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Supplemental Blog: Computers Bite!

My computer i still not fixed, and it won't be fixed.  It turned out that my hard drives are toast after all.  Well, not totally.  The girl who was fixing them said that she couldn't find the operating system on either drive, which is a total crock because those are the same drives I've been using for the last five years.  But, whatever.  I'll be getting another computer next month, so as long as I can possibly retreive the info off of the old drives, then all is well. If not, no matter. I have most of my stuff backed up on data disk.  Including my beloved Adobe CS3 Suite.  *phew*

I didn't really like being accused of screwing up my own computer.  The damn thing worked just fine before I left for the funeral in February.  When I got back, the computer wouldn't come on.  The power supply was not working.  Ok, fine, so it got replaced.  I got it back only to find that it was missing a file that is required to boot up.  Ok, no problem.  I asked my friend to see if her boyfriend actually tested the darn thing before he just sent it on its way.  I never got an answer.  Whatever.  I did some research on the issue and I took a look inside the tower.  The drives weren't plugged in.  Ok, again, no problem, or so I thought.  I suppose it is possible that I plugged the drives in backwards, but I doubt that even that would be enough to fry BOTH drives.  Whatever.  My computer doesn't work, so I darn well better be getting my money back, considering that I'll be turning over the power supply that she put in.  No big deal.   What I want is for the data on the hard drives.  And, even if I don't get it, oh well.  I'll survive without it.

But, for any of you looking for my blog button, it is going to have to wait until I get the new computer.  Sorry.

Either way, I'll be glad when this is all over.  And the moral of the story is:

Just leave the stinking computer ON when you go on vacation....



Trip Postponed

After careful consideration, I have decided that I will not be making the trip to SoCal in April after all.  I just cannot afford it at this moment.  I have to register my car before the end of the month, which means I also have to have a smog check done on it, too.  That is a mere matter of $18.  (The people of Boise seem to think that is expensive.  I came from Reno where it is at least twice that amount,)  Registration is somewhere around $35 as I recall. BUT, it still has to be done and is enough to through my financial plans for the trip into chaos.

I will probably go this summer, perhaps toward the end before Raven starts school.  It will depend on if I get that job, though.  I haven't been called back yet, which is disappointing, but I am not going to discount it just yet.  I think it took the company I currently work with about a week to call me the first time.

Vile will be disappointed, I think, but that's just tough.  If he really wants to see Raven, he can jump a military flight up here and spend a few days with us.  Yeah.  I think he should do that.  He finally has his uniform, so he is out of excuses.

I work 12 hours today as it is Saturday.  The time change is coming tomorrow.  Goodie.  Bleh.  I don't like the time change.  I think that it is an outdated tradition that really doesn't save a whole lot of money like they say.  It messes with humans' metabolism, so to speak, and frankly I am tired of it.  I suppose that griping about it isn't going to do anything.  Writing my congressmen won't do any good either as I live in a farming state.  I think the farmers like Daylight Saving Time.

It is still too early to plant anything in my garden, but not too early to start seeds in my house.  I just don't have anywhere suitable to put them.  No shelves in any of my windows that get enough light.  I'll have to think about that for a moment.  I also have the minor issue of the big hole under my window in the garden.  Every time it rains, the Faeries get a new swimming pool.  I do have some topsoil that I plan on working into the garden and filling up the hole.  Hopefully it is enough to discontinue the flooding that occurs.

Ah, the garden.  What do I plan on having in it you ask?  A lot of different things, I hope.  I have a garden arch against my window.  In the middle of it I plan on having a butterfly bush that I will train to be a tree.  Up one side of the arch I plan on growing snap peas, and on the other side I will have cherry tomatoes that I will train to grow up the side.  Hush, it will work.  I also plan on having some stalks of corn, some beans, some cucumbers, a bit of squash, lettuce, green onions, some shasta daisies, marigolds, the bearded iris that is already sprouting, and other various herbs... mint, etc.  Raven thinks we have enough room for canteloupe.  We might.  The plot is only about 4 feet by 8 feet or so.  Maybe a little longer.  I've never measured it. We'll see what happens.  There are sure to be pictures soon.  If I don't get everything planted that I want this year, there is always next year, and who knows.  I might be in a house with an even bigger garden area.

Thank you for joining me for my ramblings today.  Please leave your comments, suggestions for further ramblings and whatnot.. I love comments!

Currently, Pandora is playing "Drops of Jupiter (Live) by Train


Friday, March 11, 2011

All About Raven

Yesterday turned out so wonderfully.  Registration for Raven went really well.  After the paperwork part we went into the gym where they had information booths set up and stations for the kids to do stuff and things.  I found out that they serve breakfast for FREE at the school, even to the afternoon kindergarten class, which is what Raven will more than likely end up doing, especially IF I do get that new job. Kindergarten classes only last for a few hours, apparently.  I thought they were longer than that.  No matter.

The stations were set up to evaluate the kids' abilities, which I am proud to say that Raven aced 3/4 activities.  She could write her name like a champ, knows all her letters, knows how to rhyme.  She had only slight difficulty with her numbers, but I know that she knows them.  I think she was just excited to be in a new place.  The staff kept saying how ready she was for kindergarten.  The sad thing is that she will be almost 6 by the time the school year starts.  Her birthday is in December, so she missed the cut off date this past year.  Oh well.  She'll be ready no matter what.

I got the chance to meet some of the teachers and other staff members.  They were really nice.  I think that this will be a good school for Raven to be in.  She is so excited.

I got the chance to catch up on my Soldiers' Angels stuff.  I joined a new team, the Ladies of Liberty, and I signed up for three names a month.  That doesn't seem like a whole lot, but I decided on a monthly thing instead of a weekly thing as I am already on the LWT and signed up for three names per week.  I decided that if I had their names for the whole month, I could write them once a week and send a mini care package once during the month.  I caught up on my LWT names as well as the TLC names I picked up.  I often wonder if I am spreading myself too thin.  I will get new LWT names next week.

I have started sending something small in each of my letters that I do write.  I started with clippings of the Sunday Funnies.  Who doesn't want to smile once in a while?  That got to be very expensive, so I decided that I would go to Barnes and Noble and see if they had any comic book books.. I managed to find a three-pack of Garfield comic books.  I've decided to cut the pages and send a few to each of my soldiers. In their letters.  Sacrilege to cut up a book?  Perhaps, but if it brings that many more smiles, then I am all for it.  I've sent Calvin and Hobbs comic books to both of my soldiers with bookmarks.  I haven't heard if they liked them or not.  Hopefully, they did.

I managed to talk to Vile  yesterday about my trip.  He is all for me coming down in April like we had originally planned.  So, I just need to save up a few more bucks before the trip.  I will also get paid while I'm there.  Thank the higher powers for direct deposit!  He is looking forward to me and Raven coming down.  I am looking forward to the vacation.  Although, again this depends on if I get that new job.  I haven't yet gotten a call for an interview, but I am confident that I will get the call soon.  And, if I don't, no big deal.

Some of you have asked for a little more information about my daughter, Raven.  First, I will say that Raven IS her middle name.  She is a beautiful girl who turned 5 this past December.  She is very independent, willful, and sometimes as stubborn as her biodad, Vile.  She walked at 11 months, but she didn't talk until much later.  I had her in speech therapy for about six months, and that seemed to help a great deal.  Even my mother noticed a huge difference when talking to Raven on the phone. Raven is a very active little girl, but she enjoys art very much.  She loves to color, and play with play-doh and use water colors.  This past Christmas, I purchased a 5-in-1 princess easel for her.  She loves it.

She loves animals and has been begging me for an orange cat named Ponytail for many months.  I told her if she could keep her room clean I would consider getting one.  Well, she's kept up her end of the deal really well.  I guess it is time for me to keep my end.  (I'm not so much an animal person.)

Here is a picture that was taken just after her fifth birthday:

Photo by Heidi

Today I am just back to my old schedule.  That means that I'll be working 12 hours tomorrow.  What I wouldn't give for that new job.  No more working 12 hours on the weekend.  No more working weekends period!!

I'm rather screwed this weekend for someone to watch Raven for me.  My weekend sitter is going out of town and my backup is busy with Girl Scouts and stuff.  I'm sure that I'll find someone to help me out soon.  

I hope you enjoyed my ramblings for today.  I'm sure I'll be back soon with more pointless information about the one who is otherwise known as Onyx of DarkLite.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Vile Ramblings...

If you've been following my blogs for any length of time, you know that I have been planning a trip to Southern California to see Raven's biodad.  I am starting to have second thoughts about going.  Actually, I am having second thoughts about going in April.  I do want to go, but I think that I might have to put it off for a few months.  I should probably save a bit more money, and if I get that new job, that I haven't interviewed for yet. .hehe.. then I will probably need to save some money as my hours will end up being cut down for a while.  Everything is so up in the air about that right now.  We'll see what happens, I guess.

If I get that new job, I won't be able to go to SoCal anyway because I'll be working and won't have any vacation time for another year.  That will rather suck, but I'm willing to go through that again if it means being there for Raven while she's in school.  Her dad will just have to hop one of those military flights and come see us.  Yeah, I don't see why I should have to pay all that money to make the trip when he could simply do that.

I just told my team lead about the fact that I've applied for this other job.  He totally understands my position, and I told him that of course I will give two weeks notice.  I'd HAVE to give it. They need time to train someone.  Of course, when they hired me, they'd been without someone for two months.  I'm not going to wait around, though for them to hire someone if they don't do it in the two week time frame.  But, first thing's first.  I need to get an interview first.  I am doing all I can to make sure that I bring enough mojo so that it happens.  I guess I should go update my resume.  Bah!

Everything else is going well.  I have no complaints for once.  Tomorrow is the day we register Raven for kindygarden.  I am so ecstatic about that.  It isn't until the afternoon.  I guess I am looking forward to going school clothes shopping for her.  That's the most fun.  Shopping for clothes for Raven.  She looks good in just about anything.  She isn't overweight at all.  She has the body I had when I was her age.  I didn't gain any weight until I hit puberty, and I am hoping that I can instill some healthy eating habits for Raven before she hits that age.  But, I digress...

There are some changes coming, I can feel it in the wind.


And, as if by some cosmic power, Raven's dad called.  We'll just call him Vile, as that is what he calls himself these days.  So, Vile and I talked for a little while about the trip and he really does want us to come down.  He wants to wait, though, until he gets a bit of dental work done.  I guess he's really let his teeth go all to hell, but he's had bad teeth since I've known him.  I don't blame him at all for wanting to wait for that.  He thinks that I'll still be able to come down in April, but I might have to put it off for a week or so.  No big deal.  As it turns out, my lead's birthday is that first week in April sometime.  I know he will want to take it off, so I can wait and postpone my trip until later.  

I still don't know all the details, but I am sure that I will be blabbing about them as they come up.

Thanks for reading my ramblings.  Sorry no pictures this time, but I am at work, and I am pretty sure that I have to get something done before I leave tonight.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Work, Needles and School

Good morning faithful readers!  I am glad to be here this morning.  Let the Ramblings begin......

Yesterday was a little bit ethereal for me.  The morning started off raining, then suddenly went to snowing, and it snowed for the better part of the day, BUT, it didn't really stick and by the afternoon, the snow turned to sleet.  I hope that my bearded iris that sprouted survives that.  It should be fine.  It is still the only living thing in the garden right now and I am looking forward to planting everything else.

In the morning I took Raven to the clinic to get her shots for school.  I thought that she might need two, three at the most.  Including the flu vaccination, her poor body got stuck three times in each arm.  For those that can't multiply, that's six shots altogether.  The first one she just kind of said, "Ow", but then she either realized that it actually hurt or she was just milking the moment because the tears started to fall and she quietly screeched after each remaining stab.  I really can't blame her.  I am part of the population that cannot stand to be stabbed.  I will say that she bruised really easily.  Perhaps she is not eating enough bananas.

After the clinic, I stopped by the school to pick up the registration packet.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.  Just the standard questions.  I'll have to bring her birth certificate and her shot records and proof or residency, things like that.  I think I know where here birth certificate is.  Hmm.. I'll have to find that today.

She was such a good girl that I took her to Raedean's.  If you ever visit Boise, you simply must eat there.  They have the largest, tastiest cinnamon rolls, the best sausage and bacon, and their French Toast is pretty good, too!  Raven ate hardly anything, which again, I don't really blame her for, but she did have two glasses of apple juice and the orange slices from her plate and mine.

I wasn't feeling too well, so I let my letter writing duties fall by the wayside for a day.  The night before, though, I hand wrote 12 letters to a team of marines.  It doesn't become clear how very boring one's life is until you try to write to a bunch of marines that you don't know.  It was hard coming up with different aspects of myself to write about.  But, if they put their letters together, they will pretty much come up with my life story.  How sad is that. LOL!  I also put a care package together for them which I will send off on Thursday.  I sent out St. Patty's cards to two of my adopted soldiers and one is going out on Thursday for the TVW adopted soldier.  A friend took the card by for everyone to sign it.  Hopefully they do.

On Sunday I went to coffee with the TVW and spent most of my time cutting out Sunday Funnies for various soldiers' letters.  I figure that they would appreciate a little humor in their lives.  We also sent out 15 post cards.  One of the young ladies (8 years old) was having a great time writing some of my past LWT names.  Of course I kept the addresses secure as per my agreement with SA.  But, I wasn't going to deny her the chance to show her appreciation for the troops.

Aside from that, I got a lead on a very promising new job.  The schedule is a little wonky, but truly it would be perfect and pretty much solve my issue of how I'm going to handle working AND having Raven in school.  I'd work at night, pretty much, but I'd be able to be there to take her to school AND pick her up. I would just need to find someone to watch her in the afternoon/evening and be there to put her to bed.  That might be a little bit harder to do, but I have a friend who lives in my complex who might be willing to help me, if I get the job.  Hopefully I will get an interview at least.  It took me three hours to fill out the online application because they wanted ten years of work history and if there was a gap, they wanted to know why.  AND, I have had so many jobs in the last ten years that I actually forgot one of the main jobs I had while I was pregnant with Raven.  LOL.... It was a pain to say the least, but a pain that I hope will actually prove to pay off.

This job has really good benefits.  Medical and sick leave, and it's a casual environment and I could listen to my mp3 player if I wanted.  I wouldn't even mind the monotony of the work.  At least I wouldn't have to deal with cranky supervisors who act like children when they don't get what they want or get caught doing something they shouldn't be doing, or advisors who like to think they get away with murder on the call floor when in fact we see everything thing do.  I'm tired of being a glorified babysitter who gets as much respect as a substitute teacher.  Wish me luck!

I'm not sure if there is anything else that is newsworthy of my ramblings today.  I'm thinking that I will just do my work in silence today.  The coworker that I'm working with doesn't talk a whole lot, and when he does it is usually about WoW, which is something that I'm not really into.  He's a nice enough guy, but we don't have much to talk about.

Have a most wonderfilled day, and remember, "It can't rain all the time....."


Saturday, March 5, 2011

I Just Wanna Break Stuff!

Someone please help me!  I feel like I am about ready to break something.  I have the feeling that I am losing control of my control.

I don't know if it is because I overworked and underappreciated, or if it is because I have been suppressing angry feelings I didn't even know I had or what the deal is.  The last time I felt like this I ended up going to the batting cages and envisioning and ex's face on the ball.  I didn't miss a single ball that day.

Please, someone help!!

Ok, pitiful cry for help over.  I think I just need to take the next two days off.  Oh, I DO have them off.  Perhaps I will find something else to channel my aggression out on.

One night stand anyone?  hahaha....

My Very First Award... The Stylish Blogger

Wow, this is an honor!  I hope I do this right.  I was given this most awesome award by Aya_sama at A Series of Moments I believe she mentioned something about my layout and background.  hehe, I rather liked it, too!

"Rules! We've got some rules around here...!" (Extra credit for the one who tells me where that quote comes from!)

  • Thank the person who gave me the award, and link to them.
  • List 7 things about me.
  • Pass the award on to 15 newly discovered bloggers I think deserve it.
  • Contact them, and tell them about the award.
Let's see:  7 Things about me that you can't already get from my other pages over to the right.....

1.  I love to go hiking.  I haven't gone hiking since I moved to Boise.  When I lived in Lake Tahoe, I went hiking all the time.  It was the guy I was with at that time who got me the most interested in hiking. I haven't had the chance to go hiking in Boise yet, but I think I just haven't found the right motivation.  There are no snakes in Lake Tahoe due to elevation, but here they run rampant.

2.  I am a HUGE fan of horror movies of all types.  Cheesy, scary, old, new, black and white, color, it doesn't matter.  Bela Lugosi is one of my favorite old time actors. hmm.. I really should add him to my list of favorites over there on the right-hand side.  

3.  I never lie.  There is absolutely NO filter between brain to mouth, so if you don't want to hear the truth, don't ask me.

4.  I used to be a DJ, private party bartender, club and live band promoter, and comedy evening hostess.  All those at the same time, too.  Man, those were the best three years of my life.

5. Anyone who has followed me for a while has heard me write about Raven.  She is my youngest daughter.  What you might not know is that I have a son and another daughter, both older, both living elsewhere.  That doesn't mean I love them any less.  My son will be known as Eagle, and my older daughter will be known as Nightingale if I ever write about them.

6.  I am a hardcore fan of singing karaoke.  I used to go singing 6 nights a week.  That was before kids. I sing songs usually sung by males because my voice is a low alto. 

7.  I was born in Reno, NV.  A dusty, dirty, fun town that I miss very much on certain days.  Like the days that hold Hot August Nights, Street Vibrations, The Hot Air Balloon Races, The Air Races, The Chili Cookoff, The Italian Festival, Kite Flying Day.. just to name a few.

Now, let's see. Who to give this award to that doesn't already have it.  That's a tough one.  I don't follow a whole lot of blogs that DON'T already have this award.  

Hmm.. that only appears to be three... sorry.  Sue me.

Thanks again for the award!  It is an honor.
