Good morning, faithful readers. I know you are all just dying to know what I did over my weekend.
On Sunday I didn't do much of anything actually. I went to the grocery store for stuff and things. Somewhere in there I also finished putting together the care packages for my soldiers. I actually sent out three large ones and three smaller ones. It was a lot to carry to the post office on Monday. I wrote a few letters, and sent a few post cards. I think I'm caught up on all my post card requests for now.
Sunday was also the evening of Raven's first official sleepover with a friend. She spends the night at the sitter's house every Friday, but that's the sitter. This was a friend, close to her age. They get a long really well. So, while she was there, I took advantage of the time alone and went to sing karaoke! My all-time passion is to sing karaoke. I don't get out as often as I used to so when I do I want to make sure not to waste the time.
I went to Terry's bar on State Street. They have the nicest KJ and one of the best song selections that I have found in Boise. I will admit to not having been to very many karaoke bars in the Boise area and I have heard of a few with more comprehensive song selections, but for the ones that I have been too, I enjoy Terry's bar a lot. I love it when I get to go on Sundays even more because it isn't crowded.
Now, those who know me know that I have a rather low vocal range, so I mostly sing songs sung by guys or females that have the same vocal range as myself. I feel comfortable with that. Last night, though because it was so dead I decided to try some new* songs that I'd never tried before. Below is the set of songs that I sang on Sunday:
I Ran by Flock of Seagulls
Desert Rose by Sting
Hell by Squirrel Nut Zippers *
Free by VAST*
Drops of Jupiter by Train
for my last song I decided to try a song sung by a female whose range can be out of my range, but I decided to stretch the limits and see what I could do. I think I blew everyone away. I got the most applause of the entire night with this song.
Uninvited by Alanis Morrisette.*
Talk about a powerful song, lyrically and musically. I really got into that song, and by the time I was halfway through I ended up with shivers. It was an experience to be sure. I will definitely add this one to my permanent repertoire. What an awesome night of karaoke!!
Monday morning I went jogwalking. See my C25K blog for more information on that.
After picking up Raven from her friend's house, I went to the post office as I previously stated, to mail off the care packages. Note to self: Get to the post office BEFORE noon to avoid being there when only one clerk is on staff. Otherwise, not only will I be waiting in line forever, the poor slobs behind me will also be waiting for me for twenty minutes to finish once I've gotten to the clerk to mail out the packages. Altogether I was there about 45 minutes. Half of that was filling out the customs forms, to which I used all of the ones that were in the display case. LOL... Yeah, I love being a Soldiers' Angel!
Afterward Raven and I went to Taco Bell. I managed to keep my intake down to just the nachos bellgrande. The taco supreme that came with the meal and Raven's cinnamon twists I gave to a homeless guy in the WinCo parking lot. I figured that was better than throwing a perfectly good taco to waste. He seemed grateful.
Somewhere in there we watched a few movies at home. I think I wrote a few more letters and I got three mini care packages together for whomever the ladies are that I get next month. I like to be on top of things like that.
Oh, I wanted to mention also that I got two emails from two soldiers heroes yesterday! I was so happy about that. One was from a LWT name that I sent out in February. He just go the letter! I was kind of weirded out by that because I thought that it would have gotten there a lot sooner. Perhaps he was just out on a mission or something. I don't know, but of course I wrote him back.
I also got an email from the soldier whom I sent the spaghetti feed stuff too. In that box I sent a package of spaghetti, a can of sauce, parmesan cheese, a box of powdered milk and a few other things that I can't recall at this time. He said that he really liked getting something other than trail mix. They were going to have it for dinner last night. I hope they thoroughly enjoyed it! I'm also glad the milk didn't bust open causing a panic among the postal workers. lol! Oh yeah! The milk was so they could make it to use with the boxes of macaroni I sent. I also sent them some powdered Butter Buds. I thought it was quite clever. I wrote him back as well. I hope that they choose to keep in touch.

Dinner was a challenge for Raven. She's at that stage where she won't eat anything I cook unless it is something SHE wants. I've gotten to the point where if she doesn't eat what I'm serving, she can go hungry for the night. I at least want her to try the food I'm preparing. Last night we had tilapia, baked zucchini bites, and strawberries and grapes in whipped cream. She REFUSED to try the fish. I made her take a bite anyway. She did try the zucchini bites which she didn't like. No worries. I never liked zucchini, but I found this preparation method to be rather good. She did manage to eat the fruit. Since she at last tasted the fish and didn't like it, I did heat up a leftover piece of chicken which took her forever to eat. I wish I had a kitchen table we could dine at instead of in front of the tv. It's frustrating. Perhaps I shall have to save up for one. I just hope it doesn't end up as a place for holding more junk.
Well, I think I've gnawed at your eyes for long enough. Thanks for reading. If something else of importance comes up, I'll be sure to keep you updated.