As promised in a previous comment, here is what happened after I started feeling better. This week has gone to Hell quickly.
Yesterday Raven wasn't feeling so well. I gave her some cough syrup in hopes that she would be ok, but at 3:30 I got a call from her daycare saying that I had to come get her. This is the main reason I hate being a single parent. When she gets sick, there is no one else to get her, and I end up losing hours at work to take care of it. So, the plan was to take off for two hours, come back at 5:30 and send her with my coworker who usually watches her on Friday nights to Saturday nights for me. We got home and I laid her on the couch. We watched some Spongebob, but she was really out of it. Her eyes glassy, her skin hot to the touch. I tried to talk her into a lukewarm bath, but she wasn't going to have any of it.
I brought her back to work with me and she hung out in my office for a little while until the sitter ended her shift. She was so lethargic, and she looked so helpless. I couldn't stand that I wasn't going to be able to be there to help her. She's in great hands, though, and I am confident that she will be fine.
I don't know if that was food-related or not. She went with me to Olive Garden that day, but only had a nice sized bowl of spaghetti. No seafood, so her illness might just be a coincidence.
So, due to my sickness and her illness I have miss a grand total of a full day's work. I think I'll still be ok, but I won't have as much to save for my April trip. I'll probably still be able to go, but I've had to dip into the money that I was saving for unexpected expenses and whatnot. The good thing is that it doesn't look like I'll have to pay for a hotel while I'm there. Or parking. That's a good thing. I wouldn't be able to make this trip otherwise.
For now, it is Saturday, and I am working my 12 hour shift (no OT), and hoping I make it through. I feel a lot better than I did a few days ago, but I didn't sleep very well last night. That neighbor doesn't know the meaning of a good night's sleep methinks. I wondered if he might be one of the WoWcrackers, but if that were the case, I wouldn't hear him moving hardly at all! He'd be at his computer getting his fix. But he walks around so much you'd think that he were constantly exercising or something. I don't know. I shall have to talk to him and find out.
I'm looking forward to my April trip. I haven't seen Raven's biofreak since she turned 3 (she's 5 now), and even though we get along fine, I hope it won't be too awkward for anyone involved. He's so outgoing, and I'm so not. I think it was something that partially damaged our relationship in the first place. I had, and to some extent still have, an inferiority complex, and I have a very hard time being in a crowd. Other people scare me, and I know that he is going to want me to meet the people he works with and his friends and such. He is taking me to Das Bunker while I'm there, which I can't wait for, but again, I am freaked out by this idea. It would be like taking a Pinto to a Rolls Royce museum.
Even still, I am still going to be happy to see him. I'm not the one who left, and even though he did the leaving two months after Raven was born, I have forgiven him, mostly. I am not one who can hold a grudge for very long. Life is simply too short. I have thought about the possibility of moving down there. I even went so far as to look up the job market and apartments, and all I can say is, Holy Hell! How does anyone survive in Southern California these days? Oh, I've tried to talk him into moving to boring ol' Boise, but he's happy there. Making all sorts of new and important friends and whatnot, and I guess that working at one of the most awesome magic theaters doesn't help my cause, either.. LOL...
It's ok, though. A visit will be more than enough for me. Then I can get back to my boring old life here at home.
What if I don't want to come back?
Namaste and Welcome
I see you have chosen well, but be warned that my blog is exactly as it states... ramblings. You won't find this blog overly political, religious or much anything else. I write for me. Well, I write for you, the audience as well, but mainly for me. Would it surprise you to know that I've been keeping a hard diary since 1986? (yeah, I just dated myself.) Well, writing in the book has become painful, so I blog. I have many blogs on other sites, which is why this blog only has a mere few, but do know that I plan on maintaining this blog a bit more. I will probably not post a picture or use real names of any of my friends or family, if the blogs turn to that nature. There, you are forewarned.
Please do subscribe and enjoy the mindless babblings of the one otherwise known as Onyx of Darklite.......
Oh, and hey, would you mind feeding my fish at the bottom of the screen? Thanks!
Hey Onyx!
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I awarded you the Stylish Blogger Award!
Your layout was what caught my attention first, and now it's your posts, but I still love your background!
♥ Aya
You're too kind. I totally will!