Namaste and Welcome

I see you have chosen well, but be warned that my blog is exactly as it states... ramblings. You won't find this blog overly political, religious or much anything else. I write for me. Well, I write for you, the audience as well, but mainly for me. Would it surprise you to know that I've been keeping a hard diary since 1986? (yeah, I just dated myself.) Well, writing in the book has become painful, so I blog. I have many blogs on other sites, which is why this blog only has a mere few, but do know that I plan on maintaining this blog a bit more. I will probably not post a picture or use real names of any of my friends or family, if the blogs turn to that nature. There, you are forewarned.

Please do subscribe and enjoy the mindless babblings of the one otherwise known as Onyx of Darklite.......

Oh, and hey, would you mind feeding my fish at the bottom of the screen? Thanks!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Make it End!

Oh, the pain. I'm not sure what I did to my left hand other than MAYBE hooping too much, if there is such a thing, or perhaps I type too much, which is way more plausible. It hurts to stretch my fingers or snap my fingers or even hold things heavier than a pound it seems. It feels as though I've bruised the inside of the palm of my hand, and I'm not sure how to fix it. I tried to ice it, heat it, massage it. Nothing has helped. I guess it is just a matter of time.

In other news, there is no other news....

End transmission.

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