Namaste and Welcome

I see you have chosen well, but be warned that my blog is exactly as it states... ramblings. You won't find this blog overly political, religious or much anything else. I write for me. Well, I write for you, the audience as well, but mainly for me. Would it surprise you to know that I've been keeping a hard diary since 1986? (yeah, I just dated myself.) Well, writing in the book has become painful, so I blog. I have many blogs on other sites, which is why this blog only has a mere few, but do know that I plan on maintaining this blog a bit more. I will probably not post a picture or use real names of any of my friends or family, if the blogs turn to that nature. There, you are forewarned.

Please do subscribe and enjoy the mindless babblings of the one otherwise known as Onyx of Darklite.......

Oh, and hey, would you mind feeding my fish at the bottom of the screen? Thanks!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Teams

Yesterday I was pondering the letter I was going to send my soldier this week.  As it turned out, I also decided to join two more teams on the Soldiers' Angels website.  I joined the Cards Plus Team and the Letter Writing Team. The Cards Plus Team send extra cards to other Angels who have submitted requests, or I could also submit a request for a little extra for my soldier.  I might just do that one of these days.  I saw a few requests for state post cards, so I responded to the three requests for those.  I know that there are not a lot of Angels in Idaho, so getting Idaho post cards might be a bit difficult.  I also picked one up for my adopted soldier.  I hope he likes it.

The Letter Writing Team is a bit different.  I'll be getting three extra names per week to write. I only have to send them a letter once, but I will perhaps do more writing than that.  Keeping track of the names and addresses might become a bit more difficult, but I have been keeping a hard diary of my adventures with the SA.  I am very excited to get my first names.  

I have been pondering what I will send with the next care package to my adopted soldier.  Valentine's Day is coming up, but I didn't think it appropriate to send things like that.  I could be wrong, so we'll see.  Anyway, what I am going to send is a set of sheets.  I hear they like that and need them.  I'll also send some coffee, and a metal large-mouthed water bottle. I hear they are great for heating beverages on the engine of the hummer.. lol  I might just get a jump on St. Patty's Day and send a few trinkets.  I've also ordered some Girl Scout Cookies for him.  I assume that they will take a few months to get here.  If anyone has any ideas to add, feel free to post in the comments section.

Going through the SA forums, I've found some really great ideas on stuff to send the soldiers as far as letters go.  I guess I'll be buying a newspaper on Sundays to get my hands on the comics.. hehe... Erika has colored some more pictures out of her coloring books and also drawn some of her own work as well.  I'm not the most eloquent of writers, but I figure I'll get better as time goes by.  

There are a ton of really great teams on the SA website.  Most of them involve baking or sewing or drawing, which I'm not really great at any of those things. I'll probably get more adventurous and make some home made cookies or something for my soldier.  Cookies are nice... 

Perhaps I will dust off my Adobe Photoshop skills and send some manipulated artwork.  Only time will tell......


  1. Those all sound like good ideas. I would think if you wanted to send something for valentine's day, it would be alright as long as it was done in an innocent fashion. I was actually thinking about that myself. I'm considering donating a quilt to a wounded soldier, since I do alot of sewing and whatnot. Oh, and since I still can't figure out how to reply to a comment (duh) I did check out hoop dancing. It looks really fun, but I don't know that I'm graceful enough for that, lol you must be skilled.

  2. I'm hardly skilled or graceful.. haha, I'm a newb when it comes to it. I'm not graceful, and I drop the hoop a lot, but I'm getting better with practice.

    I'm getting some friends together this Wednesday to make hand-crafted Valentines for my soldier and his squad, team or whatever they call it now. It'll be fun. And you're right. We're going with totally innocent.

    Have fun!


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